First Day Fund 2022

The collection of monetary donations for the First Day Fund for Seton students announced in the June Sacred Heart Heartbeat has begun. As stated last month, we are again working with Christ the King Social Concerns committee to provide supplies for approximately 60 families and teachers.  

We thank anyone who has already donated to this fund to help our students. If you are able to still help us, the donation period goes through July 10th. We are watching and taking advantage of the sales at different outlets.  

Here are your options to help support the First Day Fund:

  1. You may leave a donation in the receptacles at the different doors in church.

  2. Drop your donation in an envelope marked FDF in the collection basket.

  3. Mail or drop off a check at the Lee Parish Center (1608 13th Street, Moline)  Please be sure to put a note in the memo field that states FIRST DAY FUND.  A note in the envelope, ‘Attn: Connie Morris’, will be helpful to the office.

  4. There is an online option for you to use, if you choose.  

    1. Click here to open the online giving page on the parish website.

    2. On the left hand side of the page, there is a box of options for online donations.

    3. FIRST DAY FUND is the first choice under PARISH SPECIAL COLLECTIONS.

    4. If you have a profile, you may log into the system on the right-hand side of the page with your email and password. 

    5. Choose ADD TRANSACTION in the upper left-hand side of the page.

    6. FIRST DAY FUND is the first choice under PARISH SPECIAL COLLECTIONS.

We thank you for always being so supportive of the children attending Seton Catholic School. We wish you could all see those happy faces as they head back to school with a full backpack.


Bingo Fundraiser Coming Soon!


Second Hand Sale 2022 Was A Success!