Bingo Fundraiser Coming Soon!

As you learned last month, Sacred Heart is planning a fun afternoon to raise funds to help us cover unexpected costs. As you know, our budget here at Sacred Heart took quite a hit just the same as your home budgets. We are planning an afternoon to give everyone an opportunity to not only help out Sacred Heart but to have some fun at the same time.

“Back in the day,” Sacred Heart hosted Bingo every Sunday afternoon. It was always a popular event and the place was packed. So we thought we would revisit those days and have a fun afternoon!

Join us on Sunday, July 24th, in Culemans Fellowship Hall. The doors will open at noon and the games will begin at 1:00 p.m.  

Bingo sheets are $20 for 14 games with each sheet containing nine ‘cards’. You can purchase additional - game sheets if you want more chances to win. You will be playing for a variety of gift cards for each game. To add to the fun, there will be raffle baskets and - a 50/50 raffle. A few baskets are ready for the afternoon. Once we have gathered all the baskets, we will get that list posted. If you cannot join us for the fun, you will still have an opportunity to purchase a chance on one basket or all of the baskets. Raffle tickets are $1 each, 8 for $5, 20 for $10, or 6 feet of tickets for $20. Watch our bulletin and website for a listing of these baskets so you can be prepared to buy tickets for your favorites. Tickets can be purchased in the Parish Office, after Masses on the weekend of July 23/24 or at the Bingo event itself. Don’t worry! You won’t be left out of the fun!   

There will be food for sale along with a variety of drinks, snacks, and candy.  

This event is for a great cause! We are looking forward to spending a lively afternoon with friends and fellow parishioners for fun and fellowship. Talk to your friends and family and invite them to join us. We hope to see you there!

Purchase Raffle Tickets Online:


A Double Celebration on July 17th!


First Day Fund 2022