Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Parish Office hours?
Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with lunch hour from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Friday's are 9 a.m to noon.
How do I register with the parish?
New members can register by calling the Parish Office to request a form, or complete the short online form "Parishioner Registration Form."
How do I contact the Parish Office?
Phone: (309) 762-2362
1608 - 13th Street, Moline, IL 61265
Email Address
What is required to have my child baptized?
Contact the Parish Office to schedule a baptism.
How do I register my children for Religious Education Classes?
Please contact the Parish Office (309) 762-2362 for registration information.
I am planning to get married. Where do we start?
Couples planning to get married at Sacred Heart should contact the Parish Office at least 8 months prior to the desired wedding date to find out what needs to be done to prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church.
How can I have Masses said for friends, family or deceased loved ones?
Contact the parish office. The suggested donation is $10, and, in accordance with Church Law, only one intention per Mass is permitted.
How do I arrange communion for someone who is homebound?
Contact the parish office to arrange for an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion to the homebound to bring communion to him / her.
Whom do I contact if I or a family member is sick or in the hospital?
Call the church office, or if it is outside of office hours, call the parish emergency line at (309) 762-2362 then press 1 to leave a message . Depending upon your needs, a priest or one of our deacons will arrange to visit you or your family member. The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is available to anyone who may be facing an operation or a difficult illness.
How do I make an appointment to meet with one of the priests?
All of the priests keep their own calendars. You can call the parish office during business hours or leave a message after business hours. The requested priest will contact you to let you know when he can meet with you. If it is an emergency, please call the parish emergency line at (309) 762-2362, then press 1 to leave a message.
What is the deadline to have items included in the parish bulletin?
The deadline for submitting an article for the Sunday Bulletin is not later than noon, the Friday a week before the Sunday the article is to appear. Email articles here. However, articles may be delivered to the Parish Office. Articles should be kept brief and are subject to editing to fit the available space in the bulletin.
Does the parish have any information I can give to my non-Catholic friends or someone who is interested in becoming a Catholic?
Contact the Parish Office at (309) 762-2362. The administrator or a staff member can give you information about the Catholic Church. You can share this information and also help introduce anyone who is interested in learning more about our faith as to what we believe and why we believe it and invite them to attend an RCIA class (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).
How soon will I get my envelopes?
Depending on when you registered with the parish, it may take a month or more before you receive your first set of envelopes. In the meantime, please use a regular envelope with your name, address and amount donated on the front or contact the Parish Office to receive temporary envelopes.
How can I get involved in ministry and how do I know which ministries need help?
Contact the Parish Office and we will send you a copy of our most current ministry brochure.
After you have an opportunity to look at the various ministries, you can set up an appointment with the church staff to discuss your interests. A representative from each ministry you select will contact you to give you more information about what they do and how you can join.
Who is responsible for making the Church look so nice for each of the seasons?
The Art and Environment Committee decorates the Church for each major liturgical season.
What if I have an idea for a ministry that is not available at the Church now?
Many of our ministries began with someone identifying a need that wasn't being met and starting a ministry that met that need. If you would like to discuss an idea for a new ministry or would like more information about how you can start one, contact the Parish Office.