Second Hand Sale 2022 Was A Success!

Your Second Hand Sale team would like to thank everyone for their fantastic help that made this year’s sale so successful. We always say we cannot have a sale if there is nothing to put on the tables. You sure filled our tables! Thank you to the volunteers who helped with set-up and worked the sale. Clean-up was quick work thanks to the clean-up crew. The bake sale and the desserts in the kitchen proved how well Sacred Heart parishioners can still bake. Many of you took our new signs and posted them in your yard. What a great way to get the word out! We so appreciate how much help we had from all of the office staff and Jesus and Julie at Culemans Hall. They, along with Suzie, Melissa, and DeAnn, seemed to read our minds and anything we needed seemed to happen. Thanks to everyone, we brought in $8,735 and the Altar and Rosary Society matched part of our sales for $1,500 to bring us over $10,235. The Garden of Gethsemane window is paid off and we plan to put the balance towards items needed for the Gathering Center. 


First Day Fund 2022


Pope Francis: Evangelization is not ‘personal activism’ but a witness of love