Sacred Heart ministries divide into five groups that each share a common focus. The effectiveness of these ministries are enhanced when they coordinate their interests and efforts with others in their respective group.
Sacred Heart offers a wide variety of ministries for both adults, teens and children alike. Please browse the various ministries for any that you may be interested in for a brief description of each. For more information, please direct questions to the contact person listed. Most of these programs are regulated through the Parish Office, and membership in them is, of course, entirely voluntary for parishioners. Some parishioners serve on multiple ministries or are involved in the organizations that serve others.
Liturgical & Spiritual
Liturgy at Sacred Heart follows the Catholic tradition throughout the year, from Advent to Easter to the last day of Ordinary Time. Our liturgy is musical, sacred, and Eucharistic.
Several parish organizations help to make our liturgy what it is; from coordinating committees for sacramental celebrations (like the Wedding Coordination Committee) to committees that handle altar necessities for the mass (like the Sacristans), Sacred Heart's parishioners are blessed with a vibrant liturgical life.
Altar Servers: Altar Servers assist the priest in the liturgical celebrations and are integral to the celebration of the Mass. Being an altar server enables you to serve the Lord by actively participating in the Liturgy and offers an opportunity to grow closer to the Lord through your service. Young people 4th grade and older who are interested are encouraged to join. Training is provided.
Mardian Angelo (309) 762-2362 X201
Confirmation Assistance:
Adults are needed to help implement the Sacrament of Confirmation to insure a meaningful and successful experience for all involved.
Sandy Carlsten (309) 762-2362
Choirs & Instrumentalists: Sacred Heart has a number of choirs that are always looking for new voices! They are also in need of Instrumentalists. Learn more about all of our choirs needs below.
Adult Choir:
This choir of women and men of all ages sings both traditional and contemporary music with organ or piano accompaniment at the Sunday 11:00 am Mass approximately twice per month. This choir is a spirit-filled group that is dedicated to their ministry of sung prayer. Rehearsals are scheduled twice monthly on Mondays from 5:30-6:30 pm. Please contact Cheryl for a current schedule of rehearsals and Masses.
Cheryl Bolt (309) 762-2362 X208,
Any of these choirs may on occasion require the needs for talented instrumentalists to add to the celebration of a Mass.
Cheryl Bolt (309) 762-2362 X208,
Hospitality Greeters: An air of friendliness and openness is necessary when we assemble for worship. People need to feel welcome. This amenity is especially encouraging to visitors, those who are new to the area, or those attending Mass for the first time. Families and individuals are encouraged to be a part of this ministry.
Mardian Angelo (309) 762-2362 X201Readers: Adults & Teens - God is fully present in the Liturgy of the Word. The reader enhances the message by reading with expression and clarity the Word of God. Training is provided.
Bill Peiffer & Marcia Templeman (309) 738-9980
Sacristans: The Sacristans of our parish perform indispensable services behind the scenes. Sacristans are needed before each weekend Mass. They prepare the vessels, bread and wine for each celebration of the Eucharist.
Mardian Angelo (309) 762-2362 X201
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion: Those who take part in the distribution of Holy Communion truly help the whole community. Through his or her eyes, smile, and gentle serving of the Body and Blood of Christ, the minister of communion reflects the importance and reverence of the Eucharistic Liturgy. The minister can remind us that our communion with the Lord is also communion with one another.
Debbie Patronagio (309)762-2362 x209
Ushers: The usher has the opportunity and the responsibility to represent the rest of the assembly in offering hospitality. Welcoming people and making them feel at home is a way to help lift the church to a new level. Ushers perform a vital task of hospitality in helping parishioners find adequate seating, in addition to their other responsibilities. Ushers also taking up collections, distribute bulletins, as well as assist in emergencies and in assuring that the church is left in good condition following each Mass.
Mardian Angelo (309) 762-2362 X201
Writers of Prayer: These volunteers compose the Prayers of the Faithful for weekend Masses and special celebrations. The Prayers of Intercession connect the readings and the current needs of people locally and globally.
Suzie Budde (309) 762-2362 X201
Funeral Ministries
There are many opportunities to help with funerals at Sacred Heart. These funeral ministries provide comfort and service for those who have lost a loved one.
Funeral Acolytes: Funeral Acolytes are adult members of the parish family who assist with all funerals at Sacred Heart Church. Their presence expresses our prayerful solidarity with those mourning the death of a loved one.
Don Lewis (309) 230-6200Funeral Greeters: Compassionate individuals welcome family and friends to our parish for the funeral liturgy, pass out funeral programs, assist in the set-up for the funeral Mass, and simply are there for the family as needed.
Funeral Readers: These adults proclaim the readings during the funeral Mass liturgy. Their presence expresses our prayerful solidarity with those mourning the death of a loved one.
Bill Peiffer (309) 738-9980Funeral Luncheon Volunteers: The funeral luncheon volunteers provide service when a catered luncheon occurs at Culemans Hall following a funeral service.
Annette Terronez (563) 359-7052Funeral Planning Ministry: Those involved in the Funeral Planning Ministry meet with family to assist them in planning a funeral for a loved one. They explain the practices associated with the Rite of Christian Funerals and guide the family in selecting readings and music. They suggest ways for friends and family members to be involved in the funeral Mass and assist in completing the Funeral Mass Planning Form. This information is used in creating the worship booklets for the funeral Mass. Funeral planners also assist parishioners to pre-plan their funeral, and the plans are filed at the Lee Parish Center.
Debbie Patronagio (309) 762-2362
Infant Baptism Preparation:
Volunteers are needed to help facilitate sessions that prepare parents and godparents to celebrate Baptism.
Joe & Deb Terronez (309) 764-4148 -
Wedding Coordinator:
A wedding coordinator is needed to assist the priest at rehearsals for weddings or quinceaneras usually held the evening before and also on the day of the celebration.
Suzie Budde (309) 762-2362 X 201
Writers of Prayer:
:These volunteers compose the Prayers of the Faithful for weekend Masses and special celebrations. The Prayers of Intercession connect the readings and the current needs of people locally and globally.
Suzie Budde (309) 762-2362 X 201
Adult Formation
A wide variety of programs exist for the formation of adults in their Catholic faith. Most of these programs are regulated through the Parish Office, and membership in them is, of course, entirely voluntary for parishioners.
Altar & Rosary Society:
The Sacred Heart Altar and Rosary Society is an organization of women who cultivate a deep Catholic spirit among its members, in their home life as well as in their social life, and assists in defraying the cost of altar breads, wine, vestments, linens, and candles for Sacred Heart Church.Three special events are planned each year. Any additional events will be announced in the bulletin.
Annette Terronez (563) 359-7052
The parish archive is a research library of past and current information about Sacred Heart. Included are such things as documents, pictures, books, interviews, papers, and artifacts; parish events, programs, and art objects; vessels and vestments used to celebrate our faith.
Marie Grigsby (309) 762-1939
Rita Van Raes (309) 764-3406
Art & Environment: Many hands and creative ideas are needed to enrich our weekly and seasonal worship. We decorate the inside of the church for joyous occasions such as Christmas and Easter, as well as solemn times of reflection such as Lent and Advent.
Sandy Madison (563) 940-7660
Blessings Gift Shop:
Our Blessings Gift Shop is located in the vestibule of the church, to the right as you enter through the main doors. If you desire to have a specific item, call Loretta and she will do her best to accommodate you.
Available Products:
Books for young and old including Spanish books for adults
Much, much more!!!
Hours Open: After 8 am Weekday Mass (except Thursday) Saturday after 8 am Mass and from 3:30 - 5:00 pm Sunday after 7 am Mass and until 12:00 pm
Loretta Ceurvorst (309) 762-0503
Cleaning Crew:
This is a fun and energetic group of parishioners who provide time on an a periodic basis to help clean the church to prepare for special occasions.
Debra Thornton (309) 277-7218
Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee consists of parishioners appointed by the pastor, who advise him in all important financial matters of the parish.
Fr. Mark DeSutter (309) 762-2362
Linda Wolbers
Grounds and Garden Committee:
This is a group of Sacred Heart parishioners who devote their time and energy planting and maintaining all garden space, flowerbeds, and shrubbery to beautify our church and school grounds.
Cliff Zerull (309) 762-5638
Money Counters:
Approved by the Pastor, these individuals works in teams to count the collection every Sunday. A different team meets every Sunday to sort and prepare the collection for deposit. Their time, effort and dedication are very important.
Connie Morris (309) 799-5865
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, OCIA, is a process in which the inquirer is transformed from an unbeliever to a believer, or a person of a little faith becomes a disciple of Jesus. The process offers the seeker an opportunity to explore our faith through presentations, scripture, prayer, reflection, rites, and being part of a community of believers and inquirers.
Those of other Christian faiths or no religious background, please contact the parish office for more information. Seekers who have been baptized in the Catholic faith and are looking to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation are also welcome to join us.
Members of the parish community accompany the seekers on this journey providing support, guidance and direction. We embark on this journey together to build community and provide experiences that assist in growing in our faith. As a parish member, do you know a relative, friend, or acquaintance who is seeking Jesus? Invite that person to Sacred Heart.
These weekly sessions begin in September on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 in the Audio-Visual Room in Culeman’s Hall, on our parish campus. There is no fee with this process.
Inquirers may contact Fr. Mark DeSutter or Sandy Carlsten at the parish office to ask questions or to enroll in the process.
Sandy Carlsten 309 762-2362 or email
Office Volunteers:
Volunteers are needed from time to time at the Lee Parish Center to assist with clerical duties such as parish mailings and adding inserts to the weekly bulletin.
Pami Triebel (309) 764-2962
Pastoral Council:
The Pastoral Council, which is advisory, assists the pastor in coordinating, studying and promoting the pastoral life of the parish. If the pastor elects to have a parish council, he shall initiate the process of formation of the Council and shall preside at all meetings, either himself or through a chairperson selected by the council members. The statutes of each council shall be approved by the Bishop or Vicar General and may be altered only with the approval of the Bishop or Vicar General.
Sara Murray-Otto (309) 779-8791
Pew Pals & Advisors:
This group of volunteers assists in major and minor repair projects for the parish in order to reduce expenses.
Don Lewis (309) 764-8804
Volunteers are needed for taking pictures for special religious and promotion occasions.
Suzie Budde (309) 762-2362 X 201
Religious Education:
For complete information and application forms Click Here.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2024 Video available soon.
Sacred Heart Retirees:
This group provides a time and place where married couples, single persons, widows, widowers, and clergy, can gather in a relaxed atmosphere, to enjoy good food and fellowship. Sacred Heart Retirees meets once a month, September through May.
Carol Simatovich (309) 796-2569
Singles Ministry:
If you are interested and have questions, please call or email:
Tom Buchmeyer (309) 762-4538
Social Activity Committee:
This is a group of dedicated and hardworking parishioners who enjoy planning and implementing special events for the people of Sacred Heart Parish. These events are to encourage families and friends to gather, socialize and build comminuty.
Connie Morris (309) 799-5865
Sunday by Sunday:
We invite you to attend these weekly sessions. The purpose of the group is to focus on the readings for the upcoming Sunday, through discussion of printed handouts and with faith sharing. OurThursday meeting time is 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in the AV Room at Culemans Hall.
Fr Matthew Cole SMA (309) 762-2362
Thursday Bible Study:
Website & Faceook Technology:
If you are somewhat or adept at technological editing, this small group of individuals are always looking for anyone who is willing and has time to help with adding, changing or deleting data or graphics on the parish Website or Facebook pages.
Mardian Angelo (309) 762-2362 X 201
Youth Formation
Sacred Heart is home to many programs and initiatives for youth formation from youth group to our parish affiliated schools. Please click on the links to the left for a description of each. Programs are offered by parishioners, the schools, and through common nationwide organizations such as "scouts". For more information, please direct any questions to the contact persons listed at the bottom of each category.
Children's Liturgy of the Word: Volunteers are needed for the formation of this ministry. Volunteers plan reflections on the Sunday readings using the materials provided. They lead children through the Liturgy of the Word prayer experience during a selected weekend Mass. This wonderful ministrycaters to children 4-7 years of age.
Debbie Patronagio (309) 762-2362 X209
Boy Scouts: Boy Scout Troop 109 is one of the oldest organizations within Sacred Heart Church, having been involved since the church was formed in the early 1900's. We have awarded nearly 100 of the coveted Eagle awards over those years. Besides the Eagle award, many of the Scouts have also earned the National Catholic Scouting Award. The Troop is open to all boys who meet the requirements of the Boy Scouts of America. Troop meetings are held on Monday nights. Besides the regular meetings, the Troop is extremely active in camping, hiking, and canoeing. They also take part in church and community service projects.
Jeremiah Houtekier (309) 736-1586
Cub Scouts: Cub Scouts provides young boys and their parents opportunities to teach and learn good Christian morals and citizenship through bi-weekly meetings. There are two different Catholic awards Cub Scouts can achieve. They are the Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei.
Aaron Graf (309) 278-8863
Girl Scouts: The Girl Scouts is an organization dedicated to building character and skills for success. Leadership, strong values, social conscience, and conviction about their own potential and self-worth are emphasized. Girl Scouts is open to all girls ages 5-17. Through individual membership, or as part of a Troop or group, girls meet to experience field trips, sports, skill-building, community service projects, and cultural exchanges. At Seton School, there is currently a Troop for every grade level, with at least 2 adult volunteer leaders per Troop.
Contact Seton Catholic School (309) 757-5500
Living Stones: Middle school youth group open to youth from other Catholic Churches. One Saturday a month 5:30 pm-8 pm. Meet for Mass at 4 pm if you like. Prayer service based on the Liturgical monthly focus, as well as teaching/small group discussions. Snacks, ice breakers and games, too. Service projects that will count toward service hours. Living Stones Schedule 2023-2024
Katie Young
Walking With Moms:
Walking With Moms is a ministry at Sacred Heart, led by and for moms. Moms of all ages are welcomed and wanted to be part of our group. Join other Sacred Heart moms for spiritual support and friendship as we walk this blessed journey of motherhood together.
Eliza Groepper (309) 321-7725
Social Activities
Coffee Cafe:
This is a social gathering in Culemans Hall after the 7:00 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. Masses on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Volunteers prepare a light brunch, coffee and juice compliments of Sacred Heart. Set-up before and clean up after is all part of the fun. Teams serve on a rotating basis.
Mike & Marcia Starr (309) 788-6128
Social Activities Committee:
This is a group of dedicated and hardworking parishioners who enjoy planning events for the people of Sacred Heart Parish. These events are to encourage families and friends to gather, socialize, and build community through the Body of Christ.
Connie Morris (309) 799-5865
Welcoming Committee:
Volunteers make phone calls and send emails to welcome and get acquainted with newly registered parishioners. Taking a few minutes to answer questions and arranging a time to meet to deliver their gift from the parish. Coffee Café dedicates one Sunday per quarter for new members to be welcomed by all parish members.
Melissa Hoffman (309) 762-2362 X200
Carol Triebel (309) 644-1179
Parish Prayer
The volunteers in this ministry attempt to meet the needs of grieving parishioners when death occurs. This ministry covers general aspects of grieving, empathy, communication, listening, and prayer, and includes insights on handling difficult situations.
Christie Coverdill (309) 236-0620
Ann Dufour (309) 269-3041
Food Pantry:
Sacred Heart Moline's mission to the Food Pantry is to increase access to food for hungry people. Monetary gifts and non-perishable items are provided directly to the hungry through St. Mary's Church Food Pantry. Sacred Heart supports this mission through “Food Pantry Sundays” on the third weekend of every month. On Food Pantry Sundays, Sacred Heart accepts food and monetary donations during the weekend’s liturgies. Donations are always welcome, and volunteers are needed to assist in the distribution of commodities at St. Mary's Food Pantry.
Phil Graf (309) 721-6261
Pete Murray (309) 736-1706
Eucharistic Adoration:
For a deep sense of prayerful peace, come spend a few quiet in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday from 7 am - 7 pm, and first Fridays from 9:30 am - 4 pm in St. Francis Chapel. Sign-up sheets are located in the church front vestibule.
Loretta Cuervorst (309) 762-0503
Ministry of Writing:
Members of the Ministry of Writing send cards monthly to parishioners who are homebound, in nursing homes or in need of prayer. We also send a card to the family of a parishioner who has passed away. We currently have 17 members and send cards to over 75 people monthly. If you can help in this ministry please contact me.
Chris Bush (303) 721-4230
Pastoral Care:
Pastoral Care volunteers minister to the Sacred Heart community by sharing Holy Communion, prayer and time with those who are not able to fully participate at Sacred Heart. Visits range from home visits, assisted living facilities, care facilities and UnityPoint Trinity Hospital in Rock Island. It is a ministry that enriches not only those who are visited but the minister and the Sacred Heart community.
Marcia Zerull (309) 781-9787
Melissa Hoffman (309) 762-2362 X201
Prayer Shawl:
A prayer shawl is intended to be a reminder of God's ever-present love, which is as near to you as your own body is to your spirit. It is a gift for every time and every occasion, joyful or sorrowful; for every season and circumstance that is life-chosen or un-chosen, when you are weeping or when you are celebrating. Wear it in times of private prayer. Let it rest on your shoulders as you work or play, read or rest. Wear it to worship. Wear it whenever you are drawn to prayer or when you have no interest in prayer but would like to be reminded of God's loving presence and care. Invite the Holy Spirit to help you pray. A reading from Scripture may begin your prayer. Let your prayer of worship and your prayers for loved ones, for the world, and for yourself flow naturally in silence or out loud, in writing or singing or drawing. May you grow in your awareness of God's blessing, resting upon you in all places and at all times, enabling you to be God's person in the world.
Cecelia Raischel (309) 716-2488
Prayer Chain:
Our parish prayer chain has several people who pray for special needs submitted by phone or email To join the Prayer Chain please call Our parish prayer chain has several people who pray for special needs submitted by phone or email To join the Prayer Chain please call Martina or send her an email..
Martina Werner
Respect Life:
Our hope and aim is to educate all ages in the parish to understand the sanctity of human life, from conception to a natural death, as God wills it. We hope to see His will done through daily prayer together and being aware of the reality of today's irresponsibility and disregard for the dignity of human life.
Suzie Budde (309) 762-2362 X 201
St Vincent de Paul:
The mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is “a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.” This includes helping the poor and deprived with rent, utilities, food, and clothing. Participating in this ministry is simple. Just make out a check in any amount to "St. Vincent DePaul Society' and mail it to Sacred Heart Church Moline or drop it in the collection basket at Mass.
Angela Rule (309)-236-7009