His Heart, Our Hands
Dear Parishioners,
It is a gift to gather around the table of the Lord. I hope you feel that being a part of Sacred Heart Parish is a very important part of your life.
Pope Francis reminds us, “Each time we receive Communion, we resemble Jesus more, we transform ourselves more fully into Jesus. As the Bread and the Wine are converted into the Body and Blood of the Lord, so too those who receive it with faith are transformed into the living Eucharist. “We are then sent forth, transformed in Christ to tell the world of his love with our words and actions, so that we may bring others to Christ.
Thanks to all the parishioners of Sacred Heart our parish is a vibrant community of faith. I am thankful to our members for their response as they renewed their financial commitment to our parish though the His Heart, Our Hands program. I thank those who have filled out and returned their commitment card to the parish.
My hope is that each family in our parish will participate in this program. If you have not had the opportunity to renew your commitment, please prayerfully consider how you can put your financial gifts at the service of the Lord. Our parish spreads the gospel in Moline in a variety of ways.
Please, take a moment to fill out the enclosed commitment card if you have not already done so and return it through the mail or by dropping it into this week’s offertory collection. Thank you for your ongoing witness of love for our parish. Your active membership in our parish is vitally important.Let’s pray for each other as we move forward together in faith.May Jesus, through his more sacred heart pray for us,
Fr. Mark DeSutter
Fulfilling your New Commitment
Three simple and secure ways to do so:
Sign up for Online Giving or update your current online gift amount here.
Use your offering envelope and bring it to Mass each Sunday or mail it to the parish office.
Explore using tax-advantaged charitable gifts such as IRA Distributions, Gifts of Stock, or remembering the parish in your will. Contact the parish office at (309) 762-2362.