The Suzie Budde Room
Suzie Budde was a staple here at Sacred Heart for 30+ years. Father Lee, Monsignor Wellman, and Father DeSutter, along with endless Pastoral Associates, depended on her for the day-to-day running of our parish. Many of us relied on her to correct our mistakes, remember things, and ensure that events were executed properly.
Suzie was also our Music Director for more years than we can count. Because she shared her musical talents with Sacred Heart our services were lifted in glory to the Lord. Many remember Suzie directing the New Spirit Singers and we enjoyed their talents and the CD they recorded for our listening pleasure.
Suzie spent endless hours on our campus, not just the ‘9 - 5’ schedule, but was needed during off hours to help all of us. She spent countless hours in our Mail Room in the Lee Parish Center. Therefore, the former Mail Room is now called the Suzie Budde Room.
Thank you Suzie for all you did for Sacred Heart Parish.