Liturgical Ministers
As many of you know I have struggled with getting a current list of Liturgical Ministers who serve our Masses.
If I have the names correct they may be in the wrong ministry or at the wrong Mass. I have found I used lists that were not quite current.
A few of you did respond last November when I asked for your information regarding your Ministry and your Mass preference. But I still do not have all the correct information.
If you are in a ministry today, or would like to be in a ministry, please fill out the following form below, or click here to download a printable version.
There is also a place for notes to tell me when you are regularly out of town or other information to help me to schedule the Liturgical Ministries.
It will help tremendously if you fill out the form for each person in your household that serves or is interested in serving.
God bless all of you for what you do at Sacred Heart
Connie Morris
Acting Liturgical Ministries Scheduler