Burying of the Time Capsule

On July 9, 2023, after a beautiful outdoor celebration of the Mass, our parish time capsule was buried near the cornerstone of the new Gathering Center. Father Mark blessed the capsule, and it was lowered into place by Cliff Zerull and Jim Vrombaut. Parishioners were then offered the opportunity to throw a handful of dirt into the burial site. Some, including Father Matthew, used a shovel.

The time capsule container, donated by Kevin Rafferty, contains the original 1919 time capsule removed from the cornerstone of the church building. Before repacking and resealing it, current historical items were added to it in 2019 when we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the blessing of the cornerstone by Cardinal Mercier of Belgium. Additionally, the new container includes materials added in 2023 following the blessing of the new Gathering Center by Bishop Louis Tylka. These additions were heat sealed in archival pouches and include campaign materials, pictures documenting the construction of the Gathering Center, memorabilia of the blessing of the center, a scroll signed by the Bishop and the First Communion class of 2023, and samples of items currently gifted to welcome new Catholics and new parishioners. These include:

  • Ceramic Cross: Small ceramic crosses made by the Special Education students at Black Hawk Area Education Center, East Moline, are presented to persons who are joining the parish.

  • Crocheted Angel: Multi-colored hand crocheted angels are given to newly baptized infants. These are made by DeAnn Gandia.

  • Crocheted Cross: Hand crocheted by DeAnn Gandia; these crosses are given to newly baptized older children. The one in the time capsule is of a variegated thread in turquoise, brown, and tan.

  • Handmade Rosary: Rosaries made by Ashley Ryckeghem and presented to those confirmed in 2022. These were beaded with various colors and styles of beads.


VBS 2023 Recap


Save the Date: October 1st, 2023