Save the Date: October 1st, 2023

St. Damien; Pray for us.

For the past two years, our parish asked for St. Damien’s intercession as we raised funds and built our Gathering Center. He was born in Belgium and immigrated to Hawaii where he became an American citizen. As we walk through our new addition, I believe we would all agree our prayers are being answered.

We have been celebrating the 100th Anniversary of our own Sacred Heart Church since March with different events. Our next event is Sunday, October 1st. We are honored to welcome Wayne Messmer as he performs a one-man show portraying St. Damien of Molokai. Many people recognize Wayne as the former public address announcer for the Chicago Cubs. He also sings the Star-Spangled Banner for many of the Chicago sports teams.

The performance begins at 1:30 p.m. in the church. The cost of the tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children 10 – 17 years old. This performance is not recommended for younger children. A ‘Meet and Greet’ is planned after the performance in the Gathering Center for anyone who would like to meet Wayne Messmer.

As we continue to remember St. Damien, we are holding a raffle so that two of our parishioners might take a pilgrimage to Leuven, Belgium to visit his grave and thank him for his help. The raffle chances are $20 each or 3 for $50. The first prize is $3000, the second prize is $1000, the third prize will be $500, and the fourth and fifth prizes are $250 each.

There are multiple options to purchase tickets to the One Man Show or for the raffle tickets. Further information will be forthcoming.

We are looking forward to Wayne Messmer’s portrayal of St. Damien and the raffle to help parishioners make a pilgrimage to St. Damien’s grave.


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