Second Hand Sale 2023 - Thank You!

Your Second Hand Sale team would like to thank everyone for their incredible help. You contributed to this year’s success. The number of donated items was fantastic. In order to keep ‘like’ items together, we had to move our sections around the building more than once. The volunteers were quite diligent as you filled the tables.. 

Thank you to all the volunteers that helped set up and work the sale. Clean-up was again done quickly thanks to the clean-up crew. 

The kitchen and the bake sale were full all three days with desserts and baked goods. Oh my! You can all still bake! 

Many of you took our new signs and posted them in your yard. What a great way to get the word out. You kept Mike Starr and his crew busy as they dropped off truckload after truckload filling the hall. 

We appreciate how much help we had from all of the office staff along with the custodial staff. They all seemed to read our minds and anything we needed, happened.

Thanks to everyone we netted $10,500 this year. This amount is about $300 more than we have ever made without matching funds.  In previous years, we received matching  funds totalling $1500.00.  The organizations that have donated these funds are The National Catholic Society of Foresters, The Catholic Order of Foresters and the Altar and Rosary Society. The money raised this year helps pay for the Sound System in the Gathering Center. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!

Connie Morris, Chair

Bev Buckley, Co-Chair

Mary Schoeve, Co-Chair

Pami Triebel, Bookman’s Boutique Chair

Marcia Harl, Kitchen Chair

Pat Nichol, Martha’s Bakery Chair

Mary Kay Lee, Jewelry Chair

Amy Mack, Jewelry Co-Chair

Terry DeGraeve

Diane Kennedy

Dan Morris

Carol Simatovich

Mike Starr


Deacon’s Corner


Summer Celebrations - July 9th