Deacon’s Corner

As I share this message, I was ordained a little more than six months ago. I am very grateful for the kind words shared by many of you in our greetings before and after Mass.

I am humbled by the countless blessings I receive from Our Heavenly Father as I function as a deacon. Every time that I function, I turn to Our Blessed Mother as I pray for the calming of my emotions. Very comforting results!

Something very instrumental in my discerning the diaconate was Prison Ministry. I volunteered/served Mass weekly at the East Moline Correctional Center with Deacon Pat Murphy for many years.

Twenty-plus years ago, after I made a Cursillo weekend retreat, I was introduced to the ministry of “Prison Cursillo.” It took place at the Galesburg Correctional Center, something I loved dearly! For 14 years straight, I was blessed to participate in prison Cursillo weekends.

Three and a half years ago, when COVID was unleashed on the world, the Prison Ministry at Galesburg shut down and has not reopened.

During the last couple years of diaconate formation, the prison volunteer work that was most fulfilling was no longer available. So, I prayed to Our Blessed Lord for guidance on what was next, what did He want me to do?

Over a year and a half ago, before ordination, He blessed me with a call from the Cursillo Spiritual Directors Fr. Jack, Deacon Mark Jackson, and Deacon Tom Gainey. Because Deacon Tom Gainey was retiring, they asked me to discern becoming an Assistant Spiritual Director. Classmate Deacon Tom Mattan and I both said ‘Yes!’.

After ordination, we were officially made assistant Spiritual Directors. Over the years Prison Cursillo has been the “Communal” aspect of my service to Our Lord! It is a way to perform one of the Corporal Works of Mercy.

Today and in the future, you will hear me talking about and promoting Cursillo weekends. If you have not made a Cursillo, I would like you to prayerfully consider joining me and the Cursillo family on an upcoming weekend.

Currently, there are four per year. For more information, visit the website: or talk to me after Mass.

Moms and Dads, our diocese has TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) for your teens. For more information, visit the website: or talk to Deacon Mike and Denise Maynard.

By the Holy Spirit, retreats can enliven our faith lives and enflame our hearts with the desire to be open to “Thy Will be Done”!

In closing, I have a short story to share initially catching the men and wives of our diaconate class off guard. At one of the early formation weekends, we were asked to share something interesting or unique about our journey of discernment.

When it was my turn, I got up and started by saying, “I’ve been ‘In and Out’ of prison more times than I can count!” I did not tell them that it was because I did Prison Ministry. Initially, I think some of the couples stayed their distance until the word got around that I did volunteer work at the prisons. I am not covered with tattoos, like many residents at the correctional centers, so I really didn’t look the part!

See you at the next Mass!

Jesus, do in me what You must, so as to do through me, what You will!

Deacon Matt


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