Sacred Heart’s New Website

Things are always changing, especially technology, and the newest thing that has changed is our parish website.  This new site features even more user-friendly sections to quickly provide the most relevant information to you, the user, to locate important news regarding the parish ALL on our home page. 

Things to look for on our homepage are Fr. Mark’s Homilies, Religious Education Program, and Parish Ministries. The large symbols at the bottom of the homepage: “Mass”, “Bulletins”, “Sacraments”, “Join” get you to where you want to go, all in one click of the button.  

If you haven’t taken the time to go through our new website, please visit the home page by clicking here, or use the navigation above to take a walk through the site. One new feature we have added, is we are accepting advertisers to promote their business at a relatively reasonable cost on our site. Sacred Heart’s website is an excellent place to let our viewers know about your business.  If you would like more information, please contact Melissa Hoffman at 309-762-2362.

Ministry leaders are encouraged to contact the parish office to see how we can promote their ministry to its best advantage. The site is monitored and kept up to date daily by our website ministry helpers, Dan Budde, Melissa Hoffman and Suzie Budde. We thank them for their gift of time and talent in helping to keep the parish informed.  

We are always open to suggestions.  You, as a viewer, may see things differently, so please let us know if something needs to be fixed and/or changed.  Your suggestions will help us keep our website current and interesting for all. 

We thank Mandle Design (our professional consultants) for designing our new website. In addition, we wish to thank our parish families who financially support the new website.


Ministry Night - September 26th


Gathering Center Update