Ministry Night - September 26th

At the beginning of the academic year, many programs and ministries that have been inactive during the summer months start up again. This year we also have the challenge of reviving ministries that have been on hold since the pandemic hit us. A lot of these ministries are liturgical ministries.  

It is always good for the liturgical ministers to gather for prayer as we begin a new year.  Sacred Heart’s liturgical ministers will convene on Monday night, September 26th, at 6:30 p.m. in the church to have evening prayer and to get some words of inspiration. Hopefully, there also will be some time for reflection and some time to raise some practical concerns. The whole evening will end by 8:00 p.m.

Our two deacon candidates will offer words of inspiration. Matt Martel and Mike Maynard will be ordained to the diaconate in December. We have not had an active deacon for approximately two years so it will be nice to hear what Mike and Matt's understanding of their role is and what their dreams are for their ministry.

All Extraordinary Eucharist ministers (including those visiting the sick), readers, ushers, greeters, funeral acolytes, cantors, and musicians are encouraged to attend this event.

Ministry can become a task that we do that is unlike any other volunteer work. We need to make sure that it is a spiritual undertaking. All ministers are strongly encouraged to come and pray that our worship will be holy and inspired.


Religious Education Fiesta - September 17th


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