Gathering Center Update

Construction began on our Gathering Center the first week of June. The progress made has been extraordinary!  

Much site work needed to occur since we are building on land that had previous construction. In the last hundred-plus years, at least two houses and our rectory occupied this space. This made the ground extremely unstable, but now has been corrected with much work and many loads of fill dirt. We are now building on a firm foundation.

In the last couple of months, the storm sewer has been dug, the concrete slab has been completed, and the wood and steel substructure is being built. The roof will be on by the time you read this. Also, the wall of the church has been breached. The new entry will pass through the old Blessings Gift Shop. The weather for construction has been ideal this summer, so that has not delayed us.  

At present, the Campaign Committee is exploring options to pay off an anticipated debt between five and six hundred thousand dollars. Soon, there will be opportunities to donate fixtures for the new Gathering Center. These are truly exciting times! St. Damien DeVeuster (a Belgian-American Saint) is the patron of our campaign. We ask for his intercession as we continue to move forward.

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