Sister Kathleen’s Retirement Party

It probably is a little bittersweet for Sister to admit she is finally retired and heading home to her Mother House in Dubuque. For those of us left behind it is more bitter than sweet. The joy is that Sister knows the road between here and Dubuque well, and is willing to be here when we have special events. And the road does travel both ways, so if we want to see her infectious smile or hear her laugh, we can take a short ride and visit with Sister Kathleen.

It is hard to believe that Sister came to Sacred Heart Parish in 1989 - thirty-four years. Many of you reading this either were not born yet or were probably very young when she arrived.  

Sister Kathleen has always been a people person. One of her first comments upon her arrival was “I could never make it in a cloistered way of life.”  She believes the “people of the parish are the heart of the Church.”  Sister’s most famous comments were “I have been out doing street Ministry” meaning she would be stopped anywhere, outside church; the store; shopping etc. and she would know someone who needed an ear.  Sister was there to listen.  

As Father mentioned in his letter, it is a difficult task to list all of the things that Sister has been involved with in all of her years serving Sacred Heart. She has led Bible Studies, retreats, and prayer groups. Sister has lovingly and prayerfully guided many grieving families as they plan a funeral for a loved one. It can be a difficult time, but Sister would always be there to listen to stories of the deceased, then make suggestions as to what would be most appropriate to honor our family or friends. 

But Sister Kathleen will be remembered by many, many people for her guidance as they studied the Catholic faith and discerned joining the Church. RCIA and Sister are synonymous at Sacred Heart. If anyone had a question as to how, why, or what, Sister could be counted on to help them. She will be greatly missed.

On January 8th, Sacred Heart will officially be celebrating Sister Kathleen’s retirement at the 11:00 a.m. Mass with a reception following in Culemans Fellowship Hall. All are invited to join her at the Mass and the reception. She has been a part of our lives for so many years now, let us say ‘so long’ and thank you to this phenomenal woman.


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