New Year’s Changes

Dear Parishioners,

The new year brings much joy and some sadness to our Sacred Heart community. As Sister Kathleen Mullin, BVM, retires from ministry at Sacred Heart, she will be returning to her Mother House in Dubuque, IA. She has been a fixture here for thirty-four years. In that time, she has touched many lives and served the Lord well.

Sister worked for three different pastors. She first arrived when Fr. Robert E. Lee hired her, Monsignor Wellman ministered with her for his whole tenure here, and I have had the pleasure of getting to know her the last nine years.  

The different initiatives Sister was involved in are too numerous to list fully in this article - so I will mention just three: 

I think she will mainly be remembered for her RCIA ministry. Hundreds of people joined the church with her assistance. Making Disciples is an idea that many in the church are promoting with vigor today. Sister helped form disciples for the Lord for a long time. Perhaps she should teach a course on forming disciples. 

Sister was involved in ecumenical efforts with Churches United of the Quad Cities. She is also known for her efforts for the poor. She is constantly collecting food and clothing for the poor. Her car is usually full of items to be distributed to homeless shelters.

The other ministry that Sister is very involved with is the bereavement ministry.  She planned most of the funerals with families over the last three decades. I have been a part of many of these moments. She is always very compassionate to the grieving, helping numerous people through difficult times. She is an angel of mercy that few of them will ever forget.

I will miss her a great deal. She was always a sympathetic ear as I struggled with daily pastoral challenges. She knows how to keep a confidence. I appreciate that. We also had many a good laugh together at the absurdities of life.

We will celebrate Mass with Sister Kathleen on Sunday, January 8th at 11:00 a.m. on the Feast of the Epiphany, with a reception following. I hope everyone will come to wish Sister Kathleen well. She deserves every accolade. Please write to her and tell her how she touched your life.


Fr. Mark


Pope: Life’s Journey Should Lead Us to the Lord


Sister Kathleen’s Retirement Party