Homily: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (1 Jn 3:7-10) “Sinning is Impossible”

The first reading for Mass today is a very difficult passage to understand. The writer of 1 John says that it is impossible for those begotten of God to sin. Earlier in this letter he said that anyone who says they are without sin is a liar. How can both things be true?

We must set aside the concepts we have learned about sin. We have always been told that to live a virtuous life is always an act of will. We have also been taught that to live morally is a matter of keeping commandments and rules.

Many people including St. Paul tried to operate out of this dynamic. In the end, he was frustrated and in despair. Try as he might his own willpower was not enough to make him into the good person that he wanted to be. There had to be another way.

He found that other way in the person of Jesus. He came to see that he was redeemed by Jesus Christ. Jesus had died for his sins. Our Lord had made the ultimate sacrifice. What St. Paul had to do was commit his life to Jesus Christ and then try to follow the promptings of the Spirit. If one lived with this understanding, there was freedom in this. A person with this mindset would never find sinful actions appealing.

How did followers of Jesus fall into sin? If a Christian was committing sin, then they were not fully attuned to Christ. Something wasn’t quite right in their life. The promise of Jesus was that one day everyone would be forgiven and perfected.

Everyone sins, but that is not the end of the story. There are moments in our life when we feel we are in harmony with God. Maybe we even feel that way for days and weeks. Jesus wants all of us to be like this. He has made the one sacrifice for our sins. We need only turn our lives over to him.

As Christians we know where our destiny lies. We can depend on the mercy and love of God. We need not be afraid.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Do I despair that I will ever become the Christian I am called to be? If I feel that way, what am I forgetting?

2.    When have I felt in harmony with God? Can that be my feeling all the time?

Dear Parishioners,

          This is the feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton who is credited with founding the Catholic School system in the United States. There were, of course, many religious women who helped start our Catholic Schools.

          We owe a lot to the Heading Avenue Franciscans who came to Sacred Heart in 1906 and founded a parish school. These women made many sacrifices to educate generations of children.

          At first our school was named Sacred Heart. Later, when there was a school consolidation, our school’s name was changed to Seton Catholic. We ask Mother Seton to pray for us as we face the educational challenges of the 21st century.


          Fr. Mark





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