Homily: Feast of John Neumann

Feast of John Neumann (John 1:43-51) “The American Dream”

This week we have been having the feasts of American Saints. Yesterday we celebrated the feast of Elizabeth Anne Seton. Today we remember John Neuman. They are two saints who have been canonized in the last fifty years.

It is hard for us to realize, but the American church was considered mission territory until recently. Millions of people immigrated to the United States in the 19th Century from all over the world. When they came to America it was not necessarily by choice. Most immigrants were driven here for economic reasons.

When they got here, they often did not speak English. They also needed a support system. The church provided that in so many ways. Health care was a big part of the church’s mission at this time. The ghettos that many immigrants lived in were rife with disease. Hospital sisters established hospitals and tried to help the sick as much as possible.

Another area where immigrants needed help was around education. People came from other countries. They worked in factories, in mines, on farms. Most of the work was menial in nature and they were often exploited. Child labor laws did not exist nor did the minimum wage. Education was not mandated for children so many children did not attend school but went to work at a young age.

Education was the way out of poverty. Public schools did not accommodate to many immigrants needs. Ethnic parishes were started for various ethnic groups. Usually, with each parish there was a school taught by sisters who spoke the language of the students.

St. John Neuman helped establish health care, parishes and schools as Archbishop of Philadelphia. His energy was incredible. He was an immigrant himself, so he knew how important it was to help those who came to America looking for a better life. In the end, Catholic immigrants acclimated to America, and they succeeded. This was because of people like Mother Seton and Archbishop John Neuman.
Reflection Questions:

1.    Where did my ancestors come from? Were they immigrants from somewhere else?

2.   Was the church important in their lives? How so?

 Dear Parishioners,

          Remember that we will be having an Epiphany party on Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m. in the St. Damiean Center. This is an appreciation party for all who volunteer at Sacred Heart. If you are in doubt about whether you qualify you should come because you probably do. Fr. Matthew and I would love to see you.

          There will be free food and drinks and a chance to visit with other parishioners. We have not had much of a chance to do this during the last few years with all the difficulties we have gone through. Come and enjoy.

          May Our Lady Pray for us,

          Fr. Mark


Feast of the Epiphany (Mt 2:1-12) “Do You See What I See?” 


Homily: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton