Homily: Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus

Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus (1 Jn 2:29-3:6) “What is in a Name?”

Everyone’s baby that is born today needs a unique name. Names are made up or they’re spelled differently than normal. What is the reason behind this trend? The reason may be that everyone must be special.

The church father, John Chrysostom had a different idea. He suggested to parents in a sermon that parents give their children some great scriptural name. The thought was that naming someone after a saint would challenge the child to live up to their name.

Since saints are people of heroic virtue John reasoned this would cause people to stretch themselves to achieve greater holiness. I do think there is wisdom behind this theory. If we do not name someone after a saint, they might be named after a relative who was an exemplary person.

I always felt a sense of pride when I could say that I was named after St. Mark and St. Anthony. I enjoyed reading about their lives. St. Mark was a great evangelist who traveled the ancient world with St. Paul. He wrote the first gospel. He was the first to tell the life of Christ. St. Anthony was a wonderful Franciscan preacher. He also was a tremendous Theologian. I like to think I try to emulate these two saints.

I wonder how Jesus felt about his name. Many Biblical figures had God’s name as a part of their name. Jesus’ name meant God saves. As we consider that name today, we say, how apropos. Jesus did end up saving the whole world.

I think Jesus was challenged by his name. He strove to be an example for us all and he was. He wanted to save souls and spoke of the Kingdom that would be a place of justice and mercy.

As we contemplate the name of Jesus today, we might meditate on the meaning of our name. If we don’t have a saint’s name, perhaps we can consider our confirmation name. As St. John asks, do we realize what a privilege it is to be children of God?

Reflection Questions:

1.    What is special about my name? Where did it come from?

2.   If I am named after someone else, do I resent it? Why or why not?


Dear Parishioners,

          Our office is open again today. Everyone on our staff seems to have gotten healthy, which is a blessing and a great way to start the new year. We have had several staff members have surgeries for various afflictions this past year. I will not elaborate on that other than to say that everyone has weathered the storm. God is good.

          Remember the Epiphany party which will be on Sunday. There will be free drinks and food. Come and enjoy yourself.

          May Our Lady of Peace pray for us as we start the year.

          Fr. Mark


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