Homily: Tuesday of the Second Week of Christmas

Tuesday of the Second Week of Christmas (Jn 1:19-28) “Hard Love”

We move from the infancy narratives to the beginnings of the ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus in our Mass readings today. The two men have grown up. Both disappeared for about twenty years. Now they reemerge. Usually, we hear a contrast drawn between John the Baptist and Jesus. John is the fire and brimstone preacher. Jesus preaches peace and love.

John was humble. He constantly downplayed his importance he always pointed to Jesus saying learn from him. I am simply the opening act of the greatest show in heaven and on earth.

We are left to wonder how two men who seemed to approach sin and forgiveness in such different ways could be so connected. But were they that different in their approach?

John called for people to have a conversion of heart. His message was attractive to the sinners of society. We remember that appealed to the tax collectors. His message also touched the consciences of soldiers.

When these individuals came to John, he did not turn them away saying that they were unworthy. He advised them as to how they might change their lives. Tax collectors were told not to exact amounts that were not fair. Soldiers were instructed to be fair in how they kept public order.

John then baptized them. He did not ever withhold forgiveness, but he extended mercy to all. He reminds me of friends and relatives that I have known who rant about how people should not get a free pass, but when push comes to shove, they are always the first to volunteer to help. These people are hard on the outside but inside they are rich in mercy.

There are people who live in every generation who realize that they are doing sinful things, but they do not know how to escape the downward spiral that leads to harm and self-destruction. Sometimes they long for hard love. John was not afraid to offer it.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Who have I known in my life that has been very rigid in their morality? Did they have soft hearts?

2.   Do I need someone in my life who will warn against serious sin? Am I able to listen to such people?

 Dear Parishioners,

           The Christmas Season is ending. This Sunday is the feast of the Epiphany. This word means manifestation. Jesus is all around us in the events and people we experience. This would be a good week to be on the watch for events in our life that hint at the sacred. This is a good time to experience new faith and hope.

          The magic of Christmas is not over. Hold onto those Christmas lights a little longer.

          May Our Lady Pray for us today,


          Fr Mark






Homily: Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus


Feast of the Holy Family (Lk. 2:22-40) “Family Values”