Homily: Nineteenth Tuesday of Ordinary Time

Nineteenth Tuesday of Ordinary Time (Judges 6 ff.) “It Does Not Make Sense”

When I was in college, I saw a play about Gideon the Biblical character in the Book of Judges. The play told the story of Gideon in a lighthearted way.

In the scriptures we meet people who are picked out for important tasks by God. We have read about Moses at Mass the last few weeks. He did not want to be God’s prophet and lead the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. We also can remember the Prophet Jonah. He was a man who was not excited about preaching conversion to the city of Nineveh. Both these men succeed despite their reluctance.

Gideon is the soulmate of Moses and Jonah. After the time of Joshua, the people of Israel did not have a designated leader. There was a time when people who were called judges led Israel. We think of someone like Samson who is probably the most famous judge.

Gideon is more obscure, but his story is a wonderful one. The Midianites posed a threat to the people of Israel. They were a military power and they had to be stopped. God calls on Gideon to lead the fight. He is not a general nor is he the greatest leader. He argues with God. He refuses to believe he is being called.

We have a story in the scriptures today about how he prepares an offering for the Lord. The offering is consumed by fire from heaven, yet Gideon refuses to believe that God is calling him. God leads Gideon step by step towards victory. Gideon refuses to trust even though God proves time after time that he will help Gideon.

At the end of the story, when victory is assured, Gideon has one last conversation with God. He asks God why he does not just walk away from his chosen people who are stubborn and uncooperative. God’s answer should reassure all of us. God says, “The reason I don’t walk away is because I love all of you and love makes no sense.”

Reflection Questions:

1.   Do I feel like God will never desert me? How has God shown me this?

2.  What task is God calling me to perform today? Am I willing?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Seton School started today. The first day of school is always a big event. Maybe we remember our first day. My first experience of school was in kindergarten. In those days it was half a day. Now school starts at three years old or earlier. I can’t imagine.

          Our children need our prayers. We converse about “Making Disciples” in our church today. This seems to be the buzz phrase of the moment. Unfortunately, I think we forget about forming the young. If good catechesis begins early youngsters will have a better chance of being lifelong Christians.

          Please pray for our children. It will be a hot first week of school which will not make things easy.

          May Our Lady Pray for our troubled world,


          Fr. Mark   


Homily: Feast of St. Rose of Lima


Homily: Eighteenth Friday of Ordinary time