Homily: Eighteenth Friday of Ordinary time

Eighteenth Friday of Ordinary time (Mt. 19:3-12) “The Two Are One”

Jesus had a high regard for marriage. We hear him explain several times in the Gospels how marriages are meant to be permanent in binding? Why? It was not because we need to keep a religious precept, but there was something more to it than that.

Marriages can lead to a sense of completeness in life. When a person is single there can be a feeling that there is something missing. Eve was made from the rib of Adam, in other words, she was created from the essence of Adam. Because there was this separation, there can be a hunger for reunification.

Plato had his own unique way of describing it. He maintained that in the beginning human beings were twice as big as we are today. Because of first human’s size and strength they were arrogant, so the Gods wanted to teach humanity about humility, so they cut each human in half. Therefore, there is a hunger in human beings for completeness, to bring the two halves back together.

If a man or woman finds the other half of themselves, they become a powerful force, hopefully a force for good. A man or woman expands their horizon. Perhaps they reach their full potential if they marry.

Judeo-Christian teaching says that when a person marries, the two become one flesh. In affect divorce divides the one person in half a second time. We can imagine the trauma that comes from this.

In talking and counseling with people who divorce I can see that this is a traumatic experience. The man and woman and the children involved have emotional trauma. There is pain involved even when the two people who divorce do not intend to hurt each other. This does not mean that there should never be a separation. In a very abusive relationship separation might be very necessary. Surely, the Lord who is rich in mercy would agree.

What our Lord would also say is that a happy marriage can bind people together so that many graces can flow into the couple’s life. A successful marriage covenant is a priceless gift.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Do you feel two people become one in marriage? Why or why not?

2.   Does marriage enhance a person’s life? How does this happen?

 Dear Parishioners,

           On October 1st Wayne Messmer will be coming to Sacred Heart to present a one man play about Fr. Damien the Leper. People have been asking when tickets will go on sale. We will begin sales on the last weekend of August.

          The cost for adults will be $20. Children between 10 years and 18 years old will be $10. Tickets will be sold after Mass and at our office. This should be a wonderful event for our parish. I hope that everyone can come.

          May Our Lady pray for our world.


          Fr. Mark  



Homily: Nineteenth Tuesday of Ordinary Time


Homily: Eighteenth Thursday of Ordinary Time