Homily: Feast of St. Rose of Lima

Feast of St. Rose of Lima (Mt. 20:1-16) “Eccentric and Holy”

St. Rose of Lima was the first Saint Canonized in the Americas. She was born in 1586 and lived in Lima Peru. St. Rose wanted to dedicate her life to Christ from a very young age. Her parents were well off and they hoped that she would marry.

St. Rose was determined, and her determination was shown by the fact that she took extreme steps to make sure that she would never marry. She was known to be very beautiful. She tried to mar her appearance by rubbing pepper into her beautiful skin.

Her extreme fasting led her to vomit after meals. Today her behavior would be known as bulimia. She would also beat herself with a whip. She was determined to lead a single, celibate life.

Since she was not allowed to be a vowed sister because of her parents, she became a Dominican tertiary. This meant she was part of the third order Dominicans and could wear a religious habit. She lived as a Dominican Sister in the world.

St. Rose confined herself to her parent’s home where she lived in a hut in the garden. She performed other acts of extreme penance like wearing a crown of thorns and sleeping on a bed of tiles.

At the end of her life her religious focus turned toward charity. She set up a small room in her house as an infirmary, and she cared for destitute older people and for children who were sick. She was admired for the love she showed her neighbor.

When we hear of St. Roses behaviors and penances, we would say that she sounds mentally ill. She may well have been. But her desire was always to please God. She might be the patron saint of young people who struggle with eating disorders and who are obsessed with their body image. We might know someone like that. I know I have known such individuals. Most of the time they are sincere and loving towards everyone but themselves. It is a terrible cross when a young person struggles with such maladies.

St. Rose’s funeral was attended by thousands. Obviously, she was not defined by her mental and physical illness. People focused on her good heart and love of Christ. We should refrain from labeling people as well. St. Rose reminds us of the goodness within every human being. That is what we are to look for.

Reflection Questions:

1.   Do I know someone who is eccentric and holy at the same time? Who?

2.  Have I known someone who suffered with an eating disorder? Can I pray for them today?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Remember that Fr. Matthew’s mission appeal is next weekend. Fr. Matthew is a member of the Society of African missions. We have been privileged to have him ministering in our parish for the last six years. Part of his mission work is to raise funds for the church in Africa. The Society of African Mission priests evangelized in some of the poorest communities in the world.

          You should receive a letter this week that explains Fr. Matthew’s appeal. Please mail the envelope back to Sacred Heart or drop it in the collection the next time you attend Sunday Mass.

          May Our Lady pray for us this day,


          Fr. Mark




Homily: Feast of St. Bartholomew


Homily: Nineteenth Tuesday of Ordinary Time