Homily: Sixth Wednesday of Easter

Sixth Wednesday of Easter (Jn 16:12-15) “Time to Plunge In”

We have two times in the Gospel when Jesus left his Apostles behind. The first time was in the Garden of Gethsemane when he was arrested on Holy Thursday. Of course, he was put to death the next day.

The second time Jesus leaves his Apostles is at the time of the Ascension. The words that we read in the Gospel today could relate to either time Jesus departed the world.

Tradition tells us that Jesus spent three years recruiting and instructing his apostles. He lived with them. He traveled with them. If we look at it objectively, we say that this was intense training. At the end of all the formation Jesus tells them that there is no way he can give them everything that they need.

I spent eight years in college and graduate school. The last six years were spent in seminary. We had courses in Philosophy and Theology. We also studied psychology and counseling. There were seminars in leadership. History was an important subject. We went through a practicum in a parish for several months as well.

In my last semester I was asked by my spiritual director how I was feeling. I shared that I just wanted to get started. I could only prepare for the priestly life for so long. I was tired of guessing at what I might need to know. I felt it was time to plunge in for better or worse.

I think this is what Jesus was telling his apostles in this section of the Gospel. He had prepared them as long as he could. Now it was time for them to strike out on their own. 

He tells them if he does not leave them then the Holy Spirit will not come. Jesus does not simply leave the Apostles to their own devises. He leaves them in the hands of the paraclete. The apostles will have to discern the movement of the Spirit and try to cooperate with the Holy Spirits direction. Jesus trusts us to do the same.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Have I ever felt over trained for any task? What was it?

2.   What is a better learning experience, working with theories or doing a practicum? How do we really learn something?

Dear Parishioners,

           We will be having our first wake in our new gathering space next week. This is a good option for those families who would like to try it. The body is brought to the Gathering Center about an hour and a half before Mass. There is a visitation for about an hour and then the casket is closed, and everyone moves into church for the Funeral Mass.

          Families often prefer to have the wake in a place that was important to their deceased loved ones. We also can have the wake the night before the funeral in the Gathering Space. There is then a brief visitation the next morning and then we proceed with the funeral.

          If you would like to have this sort of funeral just talk to the funeral director. If they are unsure about what to do, we can guide them. Just call our office.

          May Our Lady pray for an end to hatred and violence in our world.


          Fr. Mark





Homily: Sixth Thursday of Easter


Homily: Sixth Tuesday of Easter