Homily: Sixth Thursday of Easter

Sixth Thursday of Easter (Acts 18:1-18) “A Stitch in Time”

There is a small detail that is shared in the Acts of the Apostles that tells us a lot about St. Paul. Paul meets Aquila and Priscilla. We are told that they were tent makers. This is revealing because this is Paul’s trade.

Paul did not make all his money from his missionary work. He traveled by foot from place to place. He stayed with people that he met along the way. There weren’t nice motels he could stay in. Hotels were dirty, rough places. Running a hotel in the ancient world was one of the worst occupations that a person could have. Fortunately, Paul did meet friendly people who gave him a descent place to stay as he migrated from place to place.

Paul was also a tent maker. It might be more accurate to say that he was a tent repairer. In every town there was a town square which was the retail center of the community. Merchants would come into the town square and set up their booths. Each peddler had an awning that they would set up over their trade goods. The shelters were made of canvas or some kind of animal skins.

The canvas would need to be repaired when it ripped. The tent maker would do the work. The tools of the trade were easy to carry from place to place. Usually, the craftsman would have a pouch with needles and other tools as well as thread. The work they did was readily available. When Paul traveled from place to place, he could always make money to support himself.

We picture Paul as a scholar of the law. We might think of him as a professional minister like we have today, but that would be wrong. He was a man who worked hard to earn his way. He did not want to be a burden on anyone.

His trade also allowed him to rub shoulders with common people. He was probably viewed as a very practical man. When he preached, that practicality came across. His trade also allowed him to make friends in each city that he traveled to. The people that he met in his occupation became his converts and the church leaders that he trained.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Did I know Paul was a tent maker? How does this change my perception of him?

2.   Would ministers have time for another occupation today? How would this impact what they do?

 Dear Parishioners,

           On the Feast of Corpus Christi, we will be having a special event this year. Since this is a time of Eucharistic revival, we will be having a Eucharistic procession around our property. We will go out the front door of the church, walk around the block and return to the church for adoration and benediction.

          Eucharistic processions are a tradition in the church. They are a public demonstration of the value that the Catholic Church puts on the Eucharistic meal. I hope that many of you can join us for this special event. Mark it on your calendar today. It will be on June 11th.

          May our Lady pray for the People of Ukraine.


          Fr. Mark



Homily: Sixth Friday of Easter


Homily: Sixth Wednesday of Easter