Homily: Sixth Tuesday of Easter

Sixth Tuesday of Easter (Acts 16: 22-34) “Evangelization 101”

The section of Acts we read today concerns St. Paul’s 2nd missionary journey. St. Paul traveled with a different companion. He preached with a man named Silas.

Shortly before the story we read today Paul and Silas had come to Philippi. As they were preaching, they met a slave girl who followed them around proclaiming that they were servants of the most high God. The apostles determined that the girl was possessed so Paul casts the demon out of the girl.

The owners of the girl are mad about this. They had been using the girl’s condition to make money. People were paying to see her and now they had lost their source of income. They took the apostles to the magistrate where Paul and Silas were tried. After that, they received the punishment we read about today. They were beaten with rods. After that, they were thrown into prison.

When they were freed by an act of God, they refused to leave. Paul and Silas were Roman citizens since they had been born outside of Israel. It was illegal to beat Roman citizens and to do anything that would be humiliating. Paul and Silas demanded a public apology. Leading men of Philippi escorted them out of town.

We see throughout Paul’s ministry that he was never afraid to draw attention to himself. If he was arrested and tried in a public manor so much the better. This would cause a spectacle in the cities that he visited. Then he could witness to the populace about the Risen Jesus. He would use any means to spread the Gospel.

He could remind us of many non-violent protesters who have worked for social change. The object of such protest is always to draw attention to injustice. This was Paul’s tactic. If he had to suffer for the cause of Christ, he thought this would win converts to Christianity.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Am I surprised by Paul’s methods of spreading Christianity? Would I witness to others about faith in a secular setting?

2.   Did Paul’s methods work? Why was he successful?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Tonight, we will have our final Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Class for the year. We have had a very successful year. I would like to thank the team that led the ten candidates through the year. The parishioners involved are very dedicated. After Sister Kathleen left, they continued the process, and they did a very good job.

          The RCIA program never ends. We are always seeking people who want to join the church and adults who want to be confirmed. There will be inquiry sessions throughout the summer. If you know someone who does not have a church or who has fallen away from the church have them contact our office and they will be interviewed. Evangelization is the primary work of the church.

          May our Lady guide all our efforts,


          Fr. Mark







Homily: Sixth Wednesday of Easter


Sixth Sunday of Easter “More than Maintenance”