Deepening Our Spirituality
Dear Parishioners,
The Catholic Church has a treasure trove of spiritual traditions. Unfortunately, there are not many forums where we teach about these. We have people who learn about Benedictine spirituality when they join an Oblate group. Others might join the third order Franciscan group or a third order Carmelite group to learn about these spiritualities. Groups like this deepen the spirituality of a lot of Catholics.
The Catholic Church has a host of different prayer forms as well. We have familiar practices like the rosary and bible reading. But there are other prayer practices which can lead us into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Each year we have a simple supper and talk after devotions on Wednesday nights of Lent. This year the talks are given by people who pray in different ways. There are five different talks on five different prayer forms. If you are interested in learning more about prayers like Lectio Divina or the Daily Examen please come and make use of this opportunity.
Speakers and topics will be listed in the bulletin soon. Come and learn more on the Wednesdays of Lent after the Stations of the Cross. Perhaps learning more about prayer will help you grow closer to Jesus.
Blessings on your Lenten Journey,
Fr. Mark