National Eucharistic Congress

by Greg and Kathy Schneider

Imagine a huge NFL stadium with over 50,000 fans waiting in hopeful anticipation for the star player to enter. The lights go down, the crowd hushes, the spotlights flash on, and there He is—and everyone, all 50,000, go down on their knees and no one makes a sound, so overcome with reverence for The One.

Thus began the 10th National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, July 17-21. Parishioners Karen and Shawn Manning were there, “We were blessed with an increased appreciation and understanding of the gift of the Eucharist. Being able to worship with thousands of fellow Catholics from all over the world was both humbling and inspirational.” Kathy and Greg Schneider also attended, “Everyone, literally everyone, talks about that moment, that time of silence and reflection with Jesus, The One we came to see, but more rightly, The One who came to be with us.”

The impact of the opening of the Congress was amplified again and again over the next four days by the beautiful six daily liturgies, the magnificent music, the engaging and soul-shaking speakers, Adoration and Benediction every evening, and simply being with so many other Catholics excited for their God and each other.

What a taste of Heaven!

As he walked on stage Saturday night, Bishop Robert Barron was visibly shaken as he saw the crowd and heard their enthusiastic welcome. IMPACT begins to capture the sense of the Congress and its call for us to go out and spread the Good News that God loves each of us and wants to feed us.

Parishioners Jackie and Steve Sottos watched the Congress on EWTN and listened on Relevant Radio. “It was amazing to see 60,000 people in a procession with the Blessed Sacrament walking through the streets of Indianapolis. Since none of this was broadcast by the national news stations, watching these videos was the next best thing to being there,…” Many of the talks and events are freely available online at EWTN On-Demand (click here to view) and at Relevant Radio (click here to listen.)

The Congress began the Time of Mission for the Eucharistic Revival. Parishioner Loretta Cuervorst watched from home and concluded,”If we…do not accept the responsibility and challenges to share the reality of the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist to a spiritually starving people, the powerful witness presented becomes just another historical event. The speakers have provided all the evidence and support for our growth and mission.” Let us accept and act! As Chris Stefanick said on Sunday morning, “If God opens a door, you open your mouth!”

The Mission grows at Sacred Heart with a visit by National Eucharistic Preacher, Fr. Doug Grandon, on the weekend of September 7-9. Fr. Grandon also attended the Congress and will give a talk entitled “Come Holy Spirit, Give Us a Eucharistic Revival”, on Sunday, September 8, at 3:00 p.m. in the church. Excited to return to his first parish assignment, Fr. Grandon is also celebrating the Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. Mass with Adoration and Confession, Sunday 9:15 a.m. Mass, and the Monday morning 8:00 a.m. Mass.

 Come be Inspired and Fired Up with the Flame of the Eucharist!

Two-thirds of GOD’s name is GO!


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