Mission Co-op Appeal

Dear Friends,


It is that time of the year again when we come to ask for your financial assistance to support the missionary work of the Catholic Church at home and abroad. I begin this year’s Appeal Letter with two connected quotations as themes, from Saint John 21: 17, and reflection excerpts from His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for the Evangelization.

A) “FEED MY SHEEP”– “The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me? “Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep” (John 21: 17 (NIV). I think Jesus was reminding Peter to continue His feeding miracle of the 5,000, as described in all four Gospels of the Bible. Jesus multiplied “five loaves and the two fish” to feed a huge crowd of hungry people, and the leftover was gathered. This miracle was repeated at the National Eucharistic Congress, recently held in Indianapolis, where more than 50,000 hungry Catholics gathered to be fed with the Body of Christ, The Bread of Life, and there were plenty of leftovers.

B) “EUCHARISTIC AND MISSIONARY CONVERSION” - The following are excerpts taken from His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle’s closing homily at the National Eucharistic Congress Mass and are worth reflecting on. He said, there is a “connection”, (and) “link between Eucharistic conversion and missionary conversion.”: “Mission is not just about work, but also about the gift of oneself…. Jesus fulfills His mission by giving Himself, His flesh, (and) His presence to others as the Father wills.” … “The Son sent by the Father came as a life-giving gift …. Jesus is sent to be given by the Father, to others - Sent to be a gift.”

As a church, we are agents to give of ourselves as gifts for Christ's Mission. You and I are sent by Christ to give what we have received. Therefore, we are all missionaries sent by the Church. SMA Fathers needs your financial assistance to help them sustain their missionary work and the formation of future priests for the Mission.

On behalf of SMA Fathers, thank you for all that you continue to do to support our Missionary Society. Thank you, and God Bless!

United in prayers,

Father Matthew A. B. Cole, SMA

(PS) Please return checks to:

Sacred Heart Church Attn: SMA
Lee Parish Center
1608 13 Street
Moline IL. 61265

or drop in the Sunday offering basket. Thank you!


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