Our Upcoming Reunion

Dear Parishioners, 

Join us for the Sacred Heart Reunion on June 22nd following the 4:00 p.m. Mass. There will be food that will be prepared using recipes from the Historical Cookbook and craft beer served.   

We will also have games for the young and the old that will be indoors and outdoors. This should be a fun evening. 

Two of our grade school classes will be recognized at the reunion, The 50th eighth grade class (1974) from Sacred Heart and the 25th eighth grade class (1999) from Seton school.     

This should be a good chance to reconnect with old friends and to build our parish community. I encourage everyone to think of people who moved away from Sacred Heart to return for this event.   

The cost of the meal is just $10 each with a special rate of $30 for a family of four. Children under 3 will be free. The night will include a silent auction, raffle baskets and a 50/50 drawing. Whatever monies are raised will reduce the debt on the St. Damien Center.  

Put this event on your calendar. This should be an uplifting summer at Sacred Heart Parish. Come and join us!  

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus inspire us to love one another, 

Fr. Mark


Second Hand Sale - Thank You!


Second Hand Sale