Celebrating Mass Outdoors
Dear Parishioners,
As time passed, the pandemic seemed like a bad dream. All of us changed our lifestyles during those difficult days. One of the adjustments we made was to refrain from in person worship. When nice weather in the summer of 2020 came, we returned to communal worship. We were able to celebrate the Eucharist outside. That summer we had Mass on Sunday mornings in the green space by Culemans Hall. Fortunately, the weather cooperated. Many people took solace from the outdoor Masses during a time of great sorrow.
The outdoor Masses were one of the only pleasant memories of the pandemic. Parishioners asked the question when we returned to having liturgy in church as to whether we could continue the outdoor Mass on Sundays. We have, on occasion, celebrated a Mass outside.
As I am writing this note to you, I am inside, in the air conditioning. Outside it is 93 degrees with high humidity. Having Mass outside would not be all that pleasant today. I am reminded that moderation in all things is not a bad idea. I doubt many people would come to an outdoor Mass every week.
We are having an outdoor Mass on July 7th at 9:15 a.m. Hopefully, God blesses us with a little cooler weather. I ask everyone to bring their lawn chair and to spread the word to your neighbors. This Mass is an opportunity to give thanks for making it through a very difficult time. We will pray for the many intentions of our parishioners on July 7th. Each Sunday at 9:15 a.m. we offer the Mass for our parish members. Hopefully, you feel inspired by this prayer.
I thank all those who set up for Mass and take things down. It is extra work, but it reminds us of how lucky we are to be a Eucharistic people.
May Our Lady of Peace pray for our divided world,
Fr. Mark