A Year in Religious Education at Sacred Heart Church 2024

As our year comes to a close and we look back at what was accomplished, we can only say WOW!

We started in September with a total of 120 students from grades Pre-K through 8th grade. Those 120 students gathered each Sunday to learn more about their faith and what God planned for them. In October, and during Advent and Lent, our family events brought families together for Faith, Fun, and Food. Together, the activities continued to bring home the importance of our faith and how families today need that connection with God to traverse all that life throws at us daily.

Our program has grown over the last few years, and as we came out of COVID we had a lot of catching up to do. Unfortunately, some parishes no longer have Religious Ed classes and families are looking for classes as well as the Sacraments for their children. We welcomed six families this year and are thrilled to have them at Sacred Heart.

RCIC – Rite of Christian Initiation for Children

On Tuesday afternoon 14 young people came together to get caught up on their Sacraments. Three young people received their Sacraments at the Easter Vigil and the remaining 11 received either Confirmation or their First Holy Communion. This is the largest group we have ever had.

April 28, 2024 – Confirmation with Bishop Tylka

A total of 44 young people from Seton Catholic School, the Sacred Heart Religious Ed Program and three students from Galva were Confirmed in the Holy Spirit. Pictures with the Bishop and a reception followed in the St. Damien Center.


First Holy Communion (FHC)

May 5th and 12th brings 44 children from 2nd Grade and the RCIC Program together to receive Jesus for the first time. During their FHC retreat in February the children made their banner and a ceramic chalice in remembrance of their FHC. On April 25th we had the Blessing Cup Ceremony. They began in Church with the service where Father Mark blessed the chalices they made and then a reception was held in the St. Damien Center. Click or tap any image below to see a larger version.


Throughout the year our 7th and 8th grade students completed a total of 615 community and church service hours. In John 13:15, Jesus sets an example of us to follow. After washing His disciples’ feet – an act of love, humility, and service – He encourages us to follow His lead and serve one another. “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you,” Jesus says.

Our students helped with the Rummage Sale, Cookie Walk, various social events, working in the community, helping at Mass, putting together gifts for the homebound, Vacation Bible School, sending cards to the homebound for birthdays and holidays, putting the candles together for the Memorial Mass, and so much more.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

Children’s Liturgy of the Word, what an amazing opportunity for the children of our parish to  have firsthand experience with the Sunday Gospel.

Children’s Led Mass

Once a month our children of the parish participate in the Sunday Mass, from the readings to the Prayers of the Faithful, to bringing up the gifts, they share their time and talent with the Lord. During this Mass, Father Mark invites the children to come and sit on the steps of the Sanctuary and he talks about the message of the Gospel… one never knows what the children or Father Mark will say!

Living Stations of the Cross

For the second year our students presented the Living Stations of the Cross done as silhouettes.

Parish youth in Living Stations costumes pose in the church

Easter Bunny Visit

This was the 3rd year that we held our Easter Egg Hunt. Over 50 children scrambled to find eggs and visited with the Easter Bunny. 

Parish youth and families pose with the Easter Bunny outside the St. Damien Center.
The Easter Bunny leads parish youth across the lawn to search for eggs.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

The summer of 2023 saw 40 children travel around the world on “The Wings of Prayer”. This year we are celebrating life with a “BIRTHDAY BASH!” VBS is July 8-12. Starting June 1st you can register online. Children from 4 years old to those going into 6th grade can come and celebrate life with us. I am sure cake and ice cream will be a treat one of those days. At the end of the week we finish with Mass celebrated by Father Mark and Father Matthew and then have lunch together… more cake and ice cream for sure!


Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Without these amazing teachers we would not have the program that we have here at Sacred Heart. Thank you to:

  • Pre-K/K Mandi Stout

  • 1st Veronica Kaufmann & Andrew Camper

  • 2nd Sarah Rockwell

  • 3rd Kathy Hoegner & Jan Ward

  • 4th Rebecca Galuska

  • 5th DeAnn Gandia

  • 6th Rachel and Kaitlyn Rockwell

  • 7th Sarah Chavez

  • 8th Amanda Tidwell…. We say goodbye and wish Amanda well in her new endeavors

  • RCIC Debbie Schwiebert

  • CLOW Amy Mack & Vera Noe

  • Staff/Helpers Angelina Vallejo, Wenndie Kline, Graycie Kline, Nataly Vallejo, Lily Tidwell

We are always looking for amazing people to share their faith and gifts with our children. If you want to become involved with our Religious Education Program, please contact Debbie at the Lee Parish Center (309) 762-2362. We only become better by adding more amazing people….like you!

Director’s Note

I would like to thank the following people, for without them I could not do my job:

  • Father Mark, Father Matthew, Deacon Matt, and Deacon Mike – what wonderful shepherds!

  • Suzie, Melissa, DeAnn, Jesus, and Alexis for stepping in and helping when I need something. 

  • Parents, thank you for entrusting your precious children to us so we may introduce them to our AWESOME GOD!

  • Sacred Heart Parishioners, for all your encouragement and support, you are an example of what we want to be.

  • Teachers, staff, helpers, what can I say? Without you, there is no Religious Ed Program!

Thank you does not even begin to cover my gratitude. 

Debbie Patronagio, DRE


Deacon’s Corner


100 Years at Sacred Heart