100 Years at Sacred Heart
Dear Parishioners,
This year was a special year for us as we celebrated the 100th anniversary of our church building. Last spring we dedicated our new addition. Bishop Tylka was here, and this event also commemorated the 100th anniversary of the consecration of our beautiful church. In the last few years, a lot of work was done on the building to get it ready for the 21st century. We now have a number of modern amenities that our families are enjoying.
Last summer we buried our time capsule that contained artifacts from the original church cornerstone and some objects and documents from today. A reception followed with refreshments.
In the fall, Wayne Messmer was here for a one act play that told the story of St. Damien De Veuster who was a Belgian American Saint. St. Damien ministered to lepers in Hawaii and was a martyr for charity. The new addition was named the St. Damien Center during the ‘meet and greet’ with Mr. Messmer after the play.
This month, a Mass to commemorate the end of our hundred-year celebration is on April 21st at 11:00 a.m. After Mass a light lunch will be served in the cafeteria in Culemans Hall. A display containing memorabilia from the last 100 years, including photographs and historical documents, will be featured in the Audio Visual Room. This is a wonderful way to close the year.
We plan to permanently place a bronze Donor Book containing the names of all who made our church renovations possible. The book will be in the hallway of the St. Damien Center.
I encourage everyone to come and pray for our parish as we remember the past and look forward to the future.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus intercede for us,
Fr. Mark