Religious Education Updates

Sacramental Retreats

Confirmation January 27, 2024

The end of January and beginning of February were filled with the Holy Spirit as 100 8th graders from Sacred Heart and St. Mary, Moline, St. Pius and Sacred Heart, Rock Island, St. Ambrose Milan, and St. Patrick’s, Andalusia came together for a day with the Holy Spirit to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation in the spring. 

They began the day attending the 8:00 a.m. Mass, followed by breakout sessions and Reconciliation. Our speakers shared a broad range of topics that inspired and excited our Confirmands.

Deacon Matt Martel spoke on the Fruits of the Spirit; Deacon Mike Maynard enlightened them with a spirited Jeopardy challenge. Sr. M. Giorgiana from St. Pius talked about the Effects of Confirmation as well as Sacred Chrism. Finally, Brenda DeLathouwer from St. Pius talked about how each Confirmand is a Child of God.

First Holy Communion February 3, 2024

The first Saturday in February brought together 45 second graders all excited about receiving Jesus for the first time. Their retreat was filled with creativity as they made their First Holy Communion ceramic chalice, under the guidance of Karen and Garry Reagin. Arts and crafts, food and a movie for the students were part of the day, while Father Mark met with the parents to talk about the importance of the Eucharist.

First Reconciliation February 10, 2024

Our second graders received the love of Jesus Christ through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Father Mark shared the story of the Prodigal Son and then the children received Reconciliation from the priests. Thank you Father Mark, Father Matthew, Father Tony, and Monsignor Wellman for being instruments of Jesus.

Mark Your Calendars!

Blessing Cup Ceremony for our 2nd graders April 25, 2024 | 6:30 p.m. | Sacred Heart Church

Confirmation Mass for our 8th graders April 28, 2024 | 3:00 p.m. | Sacred Heart Church

First Holy Communion Masses May 5th and 12th, 2024 | 11:00 a.m. | Sacred Heart Church

Vacation Bible School - “BIRTHDAY BASH A CELEBRATION OF LIFE”  July 8 -12, 2024

Call Debbie Patronagio (309) 762-2362 in the office for more details. 


Eagle Scout Project: St. Mary’s Food Pantry


Growing Disciples Update