Growing Disciples Update

The Diocese of Peoria continues to study how to use its resources wisely. Over the last year and a half, the Diocese of Peoria studied parish institutions to see how we might become more vibrant in our parish life.   

In the fall, models were shared with all Catholics in the diocese which outlined how parishes might be consolidated. We have fewer priests to administer parishes now than in the past. This is one reason to undertake this study. We also have changing demographics. Many communities in the diocese are shrinking in population. This is another consideration. 

Feedback was gathered about possible options. A plan will be presented in March that Bishop Tylka will study until the Feast of Pentecost in May. At that time, a final decision will be made. Everyone is asked to pray that any decision made will have a positive impact on our churches. The Diocese of Peoria will publish more information as it becomes available. Everyone is asked to pray that any decisions made have a positive impact on our churches.


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