His Heart Our Hands

At Sacred Heart we emphasize Christian stewardship. We encourage everyone to donate their time, talent and financial resources to our parish. Lent is a time when we remember that prayer, self-denial and almsgiving are important to our spiritual growth.

For that reason, we decided to reflect on almsgiving this Lent in a very deliberate way. Our offertory donations are the main financial support for our parish ministries. Your donations to our offertory fund many different initiatives at Sacred Heart.

During Lent we had Living Stations of the Cross, simple suppers with Eucharistic Miracles videos, and a luncheon with a speaker. These activities and many others would not happen without our parishioners’ monetary donations.

His Heart Our Hands reminds us that our almsgiving should include our parish family. If you have not turned in a pledge card for His Heart Our Hands, please do so today.


Deacon’s Corner


Around Sacred Heart: Meet Alexis Thome