Amenities in New Gathering Space

We are so blessed to have a gathering area attached to our church. There are so many new/different things possible because of this addition. It depends on where you are in life, as to what you might find the most appealing to you and your family.

Our drive-up and covered ramp. This alone is a major improvement and a huge deal to many families. The ramp allows those who can no longer navigate steps to enter our church on one level. Another benefit is that it is covered. This is helpful for all exiting their cars to enter the building; whether you use a wheelchair or walker or even if you have a small baby or young children. How nice it is to get out of your car, get everything you need and be out of the weather at the same time.

Accessible restrooms. Our restrooms are MUCH larger than the closets we used in the past. As lucky as we were to have those closet restrooms in our 100-year-old building, our new restrooms offer so much more. Besides the up-to-date facility, both the men’s and women’s restrooms include a baby changing station. No more using the choir steps, the back pew, or going back to your car to change diapers. You are able to take care of those needs, comfortably, in the same building.

Confessional. This room now allows access to the Sacrament of Reconciliation without having to worry about steps. Need we say more?

Blessings Gift Shop. We are fortunate at Sacred Heart to have one of the only places in the Illinois Quad Cities to purchase religious items. Exciting news for many, Blessings is now able to accept electronic cards. Yes, 21st Century, here we come!

Brides/Family Room. Many of the brides from previous generations remember dressing for their wedding in what we called the ‘Ushers’ Room’. It didn’t matter how large your wedding party, you all squeezed in there and made the best of it. Then, brides were able to use Monsignor Wellman’s space in the (then) rectory. This was much nicer than before, but the bride and her party still had to navigate the weather to get from the rectory to the church. TODAY, the bridal party can prep in one room which includes comfortable seating, multiple mirrors, and even a sink, while they get ready for their big day. Not only brides will use this room. Another group that may want to use this room will be families as they gather before a visitation or a funeral, if needed. This room offers amenities we were never able to provide before.

Audio/Visual Equipment. We have two television monitors that can be used for presentations, giving another option for information sessions and meetings. We intend to add another monitor in the future, to allow us to show different announcements and promote various activities in our parish.

Holding Kitchen. We will not be cooking large meals in this kitchen, but we are now going to be able to hold small gatherings and functions that will be a bit more intimate rather than being in our large hall. One function we are excited to begin is to start hosting our Coffee Café in the Gathering Center now. We hope this will encourage more families to join us for fellowship and breakfast following Mass once a month. Another good thing, people will not wonder which end of the hall will hold Coffee Café this month. It will have a consistent home.

CLOW and RCIA. Previously, both the Children’s Liturgy Of the Word and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults had to leave the church and go to the Lee Parish Center during Mass, no matter the weather. Now both groups will be able to move to our Gathering Center and hold their classes without getting cold and wet.

First Communion, Confirmation, and Graduation. A familiar story, no matter the weather, the children involved in these sacraments and ceremonies had to gather at the school or at Culemans Hall before heading to the church. Now they will be under one roof and not have to navigate the weather. Something we are sure the bishop will appreciate when meeting with the Confirmands prior to their sacrament. We are off to a good start with this Gathering Center and anticipate many other functions in the future.

There are still opportunities to sponsor some of the new spaces and features of our Gathering Center. If you’re interested in learning more, please visit or contact our office at (309) 762-2362. Any donation in any amount is appreciated.


Living Stations of the Cross


A Season of Sacraments