A Season of Sacraments

Dear Parishioners,

Sacramental celebrations are a large part of being Catholic. With Lent behind us, we begin to celebrate several Baptisms, Confirmations, and First Communions during the Easter Season. At the Easter Vigil we will perform many Baptisms. There are adults who will be baptized, and about a dozen children. This is in contrast to what we previously experienced the last few years.

Why are so many people interested in receiving sacraments? My theory is that this is a result of the COVID epidemic. Parents found it hard to keep up with various family obligations. Religious pursuits were delayed. Families are trying to play catch up.  

Another reason there is a high interest in sacraments is that people are searching for meaning in their lives. Being confined at home and spending a lot of time on the internet just does not satisfy the human need for connectedness. There is a hunger for God. We were put in touch with the fragility of life. When we think about our own mortality, we ask questions about the ultimate purpose of our lives. Where does our ultimate destiny lie? It is all tied up in the mystery of God.

The preparation of large numbers of people for sacraments requires the help of many catechists. I would like to thank our RCIA team led by Sandy Carlsten and our Religious Education volunteers led by Debbie Patronagio.  Everyone went above and beyond what might be expected.  

Jesus tells us to go out and make disciples. Sacred Heart Parish is trying their best to fulfill this command.


Fr. Mark


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