A New Year at Sacred Heart
Dear Parishioners,
We are now finishing the Christmas Season. The year 2023 was eventful for our parish. We started the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of our parish church building. In April we officially close this celebration with a special Mass.
The St. Damien Center is open, and we are using it more and more. I am greatly touched by the number of people who are able to return to church now that the worship space is accessible. People in wheelchairs and using walkers have been able to come. Many are very emotional when they speak of being able to pray with our parish community.
Our parish’s social life is also enhanced. The number of people who gather after Mass at special events has grown tremendously. Other ministries, along with the school, benefit as well.
The challenge moving forward is to find new ways to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The church, it is said, cannot be just a museum where we dwell on the past. The church must be a living, breathing, committed community of believers. We can measure the improvement of facilities. We cannot always measure how our congregation is growing in faith. This is not an exact science.
As we begin the new year, we need your involvement. I challenge everyone to make a resolution to dedicate some of your time to Sacred Heart Parish. We need your presence and talents.
Thank you for all your support to our parish during 2023.
Happy New Year,
Fr. Mark
P.S. This January 14-16, I am helping with silent directed retreats at St. Mary Monastery in Rock Island. Retreatants keep silent and meet with a retreat director once a day. Many people benefit from this type of retreat. The new year seems to be a wonderful time to reflect on our lives and pray for guidance. Mass, Reconciliation, and prayer with the Sisters are also part of this retreat. If you are interested in attending , you can find information at the Benet House website by clicking here. There is room for about a dozen people.