Deacon’s Corner: Teens Encounter Christ

I would like to share a little about TEC, or Teens Encounter Christ. TEC began in 1965 in Lansing, Michigan. There are now TEC Centers all around the world, bringing Jesus’ message to Teens in a totally unique way. TEC began in the Quad Cities in 1974 and has been going strong ever since. TEC is a movement aimed toward youth 16 to 20 years old, although adults can make a TEC weekend as well. In fact, I was 31 when I made my TEC weekend. Each year there are six TEC weekends, three for girls, held in February, June, and October, and three for boys, held in April, August, and December. This December is the 300th TEC held in the Quad Cities!

TEC weekends begin on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m.and continue through Monday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. Although a TEC weekend is difficult to describe, I can tell you throughout the experience there are several talks given each day, some by adults and some by teens, describing how God worked in their lives. There is time for sharing, time for prayer, and time for fun. Although TEC is rooted in our Catholic tradition, members of all faiths are welcome to attend. We believe we can learn from each other as we celebrate what we have in common.

I would like to invite you to consider attending a TEC weekend. The weekend is a great way to meet some really awesome friends and give you a safe place to encounter Jesus in a totally new way. If you are an adult, I encourage you to join us.  I can assure you, that you too will get a new perspective on how Jesus works in our lives.

The next boys TEC weekend will be held at The Believers Together Center on December 9 –11. If you have a teen-aged son or know of any teen-aged boys, please encourage them to join us this December.  It is a wonderful experience for you to give them this Advent Season. If you would like more information regarding TEC, please reach out to me (309) 236-5919.  I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Information is also available on the TEC website: A fee of $75 covers the cost of the weekend, but scholarships are always available so the cost should never be an obstacle for attending.


Deacon Mike


Cookie Walk: Dec. 9th, 2023


Alleman’s Calendar Sale Fundraiser