Cookie Walk: Dec. 9th, 2023

Our 2023 Cookie Walk is scheduled on Saturday, December 9th! We can’t wait to see all of the yummy cookies and candies that you are baking for our sale this year. You may drop off all your wonderful items at Culemans Fellowship Hall on Friday, December 8th, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The north doors will be open for you to enter the building. Sacred Heart is known for our Belgian Cookies, so besides the other holiday fare, we hope our Belgian bakers are ready to heat up their irons.

Can you help at the Cookie Walk this year? Watch the bulletin for the different opportunities. We also have Yard Signs available. If you are able to help at the sale or put a sign in your yard, please email Connie at or call (309) 799-5865.


Coffee Cafe with the Welcome Committee


Deacon’s Corner: Teens Encounter Christ