Veteran’s Mass

A very poignant day for many, Veterans Day honors all those who have served our country over the decades.

Although Veterans Day, November 11th, falls on a Friday this year, Sacred Heart would like to honor our veterans at our 9:15 a.m. Mass on Sunday, November 13th.

Following Mass, we invite all the veterans and those currently serving, along with their family and friends, to join us at Coffee Café in Culemans Memorial Hall Cafeteria. In fact, we invite all our parishioners to join us as we thank our fellow church members for their service, both in the past and today.

We would ask that any veteran or current service member that plans to attend either the Mass or to join us at Coffee Café, to please complete the signup sheet in the bulletin or contact the parish office at (309) 762-2362 no later than Monday, November 7th with your intentions.

We would ask that you give us your name, your branch and years of service, your rank along with how many people may be joining you. This will help us to plan for your day.


Mass of Remembrance


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