Sacraments and the End of Summer

Dear Parishioners,

Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer. Our parish activities for the academic year will be starting in earnest. I always like to remind people about sacramental preparation programs.

It is never too late to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and  Eucharist. There are many reasons why Catholics do not receive sacraments at the “normal time.” Many adults have not grown up in a religious home. Because their parents did not go to church, nor did they, this does not mean that the Holy Spirit does not influence a person’s life. I have seen people come to receive sacraments at a time when they least expect it.

I remember one Sunday when I had finished Mass while I was an assistant at Holy Trinity in Bloomington. As I was working around the altar a man came up the main aisle. We had a lot of street people who would frequent the church. I thought I might be asked for some money, but the man said, “Hello my name is Scott. I would like to be a Catholic.” He had a pretty good religious background, so I instructed him, and he came into the church. He had several health issues and eventually, he fell ill and died. His Catholicism was a great gift and comfort to him at the end of his life. 

If the Spirit is moving you, I would encourage you to contact our parish staff.  Debbie Patronagio usually arranges for the sacramental preparation of children. Sr. Kathleen and I will help adults receive sacraments. This year Sandy Carlsten will be taking more of a leadership role in RCIA as Sister moves toward retirement. Sandy has been a Catholic School teacher for many years and has been on the RCIA team for a long time. If you are interested, call our office at 309-762-2362. Any of us would be happy to speak to interested parties.  Come explore the faith with us.

May Our Lady bring peace to our divided world.

Bless you,

Fr. Mark


Respect Life


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