Join Us for Coffee Cafe!

Coffee Café will begin again on Sunday, September 11th. We invite parishioners to come to the cafeteria at Culemans Hall on the second Sunday of the month from September 2022 through May 2023 after the 7:00 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. Masses. We welcome parishioners to come back if they attended the 4:00 p.m. Mass the day before. You can also stop in before the 11:00 a.m. Mass and share in a bite to eat. Just come early enough to fast before partaking in the Holy Eucharist. When Religious Education is in session, Coffee Café is in the cafeteria, and when there is no Religious Education (which is rare), it will be in Fellowship Hall. Watch the Bulletin for details.  

What is Coffee Café, you ask? Of course, we have coffee and donuts! You will also find cereal, yogurt, coffee cake, eggs, biscuits and gravy, fruit, and more.  Please join us for fun and fellowship! This is a way to meet and visit with other parishioners. Donations are always welcome to help offset the cost of the breakfast, but are not a requirement.  

Due to the renovation of the church, Blessings Gift Shop will be closed, but will be available for your shopping pleasure beginning in October until the Gathering Center is complete.  In addition to Blessings, a parish ministry will also be featured each month.  In September, we will highlight our Liturgical Ministries.  We hope to see you there!

For more information or inquiries about volunteering your time, please call Marcia Starr at 309-236-8083 or Mike Starr at 309-235-6975. 


Sacraments and the End of Summer


Religious Education is Back!