Homily Sixteenth Friday in Ordinary Time (Mt. 13:18-23) “The Wasteful Sower”

Homily Sixteenth Friday in Ordinary Time (Mt. 13:18-23) “The Wasteful Sower”

The Parable of the Sower and the Seed is another of Jesus parables which describes what the Kingdom of God is like.  Really it describes with God is like.

God is the sower.  No farmer takes seed and scatters it around carelessly.  Farmers today have planters that are controlled by satellites.  The seeds are planted in an exact spot mapped out by a computer.  Nothing is to go to waste.

Farmers when Jesus lived did not have such technology, but they would not have thrown seed around carelessly.  The seed was too valuable.  Famine was something that could happen at any time.

Yet, Jesus describes a farmer who sows seed on footpaths, in rocks and in weeds.  What is the point of this fiction?  Jesus wants to say something about God.

God does not restrict his message.  He wants as many people as possible to benefit from his wisdom.  God does not want to hear excuses why his saving words will not be heard.  The Lord does not want to be told why something cannot be done. God wants an attempt to be made.

If one seed takes root in an unlikely place that is a big enough pay off for our God.  Our God is an eternal optimist.  Are we?

Reflection Questions:

1. Am I a pessimist when it comes to religious conversion or am I an optimist?  Do I see rocky ground in the world today when it comes to religious practice or do, I see fertile ground?

2. What is the soil like in my life?  Is my faith growing stronger or is it weakening?

Dear Parishioners,

            Today we will be starting a Novena to the Sacred Heart asking for healing in our nation.  The Novena will last for nine consecutive Fridays.  I am asking if you might consider doing one of the following penances.

            1. Fast from lunch on these Fridays.

            2. Abstain from Meat

            3. Refrain from eating between meals.

            4. Spend fifteen minutes in prayer and meditation each Friday.

            5. Use the Novena Prayer at some point during the day.

            Novena Prayer in Response to Coronavirus Pandemic

            Holy Heart of Jesus,

            Sweet Sanctuary of rest, 

            Bring peace to my soul

            and settle my spirit,

            especially in this

            Coronavirus Crisis.


            I vow to place all my

            worries and fears

            into the wound of your

            Sacred Heart,

            There to be tended to in

            accordance with your

            perfect will, which desires

            only the best and highest good.


            Your love alone is

            Enough, and I surrender to it;

            clinging to the hope of a

            swift resolution

            and trusting with

            confidence in all your promises.


            You may join in the Novena anytime over the next nine weeks.  I sure any prayer we offer will be healing for the world and for all those affected by this pandemic.  We especially remember the poor and vulnerable.

            May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints pray for us.

            Fr. Mark



17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Homily Sixteenth Thursday in Ordinary Time (Jeremiah 2:1ff) “Don’t Become Cracked.”