Homily Sixteenth Thursday in Ordinary Time (Jeremiah 2:1ff) “Don’t Become Cracked.”
Homily Sixteenth Thursday in Ordinary Time (Jeremiah 2:1ff) “Don’t Become Cracked.”
The prophet Jeremiah is the prophet who seems most like Jesus. He was derided and abused because he was a servant of the Lord. At times he complains about his prophetic vocation. Jeremiah uses some interesting symbols in his prophesy. Today he uses the image of a cistern.
Years ago, cisterns were a part of most homes. Water would run off the roof of a house through the gutters into to an under-ground pit dug into the ground. The cavity would be lined with stones so the water would remain. The pit was really like a well.
Usually, the cistern would be connected to a pump in the house located in the kitchen. The water would not be used for drinking water, but it would be used for laundry and cleaning and washing hands. At times it might be boiled for drinking. Usually it was not.
Cisterns were important in Palestine. Water was a precious commodity, so it had to be saved whenever possible. Cisterns were a way of storing water for a variety of uses. A cracked cistern was a real problem. People might think that they had enough water only to find that it was seeping away.
Jeremiah says that the people of Israel were like cracked cisterns. God had filled them with his grace, but they were easily falling into apostacy and worshipping other gods. God’s chosen people were flawed vessels. As soon as things went wrong, they were losing faith. Jeremiah predicted disaster.
Reflection Questions:
1. Do I feel like I am having a crisis of faith right now? Is it good to be tested by misfortune?
2. Do I find my faith is stronger when I go through difficulty? What can I do to uplift my spirit today?
Dear Parishioners,
Jeremiah preached a message of conversion to God’s people. Judeo-Christian spirituality teaches that the way to find conversion of heart is through prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Times of crisis are an opportune moment to draw close to God. Tomorrow we will be starting a Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Fridays have always been a time of penance in the Christian tradition. This is the day of the week that we remember the Lord’s death on the Cross.
The novena prayer and suggested penances will be my note to you tomorrow. Today I will be traveling to Peoria to the ordination of Fr. Louis Tylka as Coadjutor Bishop of Peoria.
Please pray for him as be begins his episcopal ministry.
May our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr. Mark