16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

    I want to keep you informed about a couple of maintenance projects;  these are major parish ventures.

    We have taken possession of the New American Bank on 16th street this past week.  The bank gave us their building after they removed all hazardous materials and readied it for demolition.  This is an attractive piece of property because it adds parking next to Culemans Hall and will allow a space to drop off Seton School students safely.  We do plan on having the building torn down since it is in such poor shape.  That demolition should begin sometime in August. We will pay for that part of the project.   We thank the bank for their gift.  They were very cooperative with us and were patient with the issues we had to work through so that the parish would not incur any undo financial liability.  I thank Bill Cornelius and Bill Rector for helping with all the details.  They put in a lot of volunteer hours.

The second piece of news is that stained glass removal has begun.  This is going to be a complex process as we try to keep weekend church services in our worship space.  Daily Mass will be moved at the end of July.  I will have more news about that in next week’s bulletin. 

Brick and mortar issues are exciting to some and not so exciting to others.  Parish Leadership always strives to be good stewards of our resources. Whether it is weeding a flower bed or painting a room this can be a spiritual undertaking.  It depends on how we approach the task.  We appreciate the many ways people serve.

Bless you,

Fr. Mark DeSutter


P.S. Thanks to all who helped with Vacation Bible School, especially Tori Graff and Deb Patronagio.  A good time was had by all.



Homily Notes 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


15th Sunday in Ordinary Time