15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

    We have several programs that people may want to be thinking about since July 4th is behind us and we are moving toward the fall.  Please remember the following activities: 

    1. Our adult education series that began last week.  This Thursday Susan Nagele  MD will be with us to share her experiences in Africa.  Dr. Nagele was a Maryknoll lay missioner for many years and served the poorest of the poor.  I am sure she will have many interesting stories to tell and will challenge us all.

2. Vacation Bible School is this week.  Get you child signed up.  Walk-ins will be welcome on Monday. 

3. Seton School is registering students for the fall.  I have been told there is plenty of room in the kindergarten class.  Why not give your child the advantage of a Catholic School Education?

4. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults will be starting.  If you are interested in the Catholic Church contact Sr. Kathleen at 309-762-2362, ext. 205.  Why not encourage a friend to come on Tuesday, August 6th to an R.C.I.A. Information Session in the Audio Visual Room.

5. Registration for religious education classes is also underway.  If you know of a child who needs to receive the sacraments contact our office and we can assist you.

Again, the summer is more than halfway over.  Time to sign up for these activities.


Fr. Mark

P.S. I lost a good friend in Fr. Dick Bresnahan last week.  He was a mentor to me in many ways and encouraged me as I have ministered here at Sacred Heart.  Fr. Dick was a thoughtful Christian who was always concerned about justice issues and the poor.  Our diocese will miss him greatly.  He always seemed to ask the right questions. We need men like him. Please pray for the repose of his soul.  I am sure that he resides with the angels now.



16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Homily Notes: 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time/ “Take Something with you On the Way”