Fourth Sunday of Easter

Dear Parishioners,

This Sunday and next Sunday we will be having First Communions at our 11:00 a.m. Masses. This is a wonderful celebration. First Communion is a culmination of religious education for the year, but hopefully the faith formation continues.

Usually, there is a hunger among the children to receive the Eucharist. For many it is a sign that they are growing up. It would be nice to think that this would signal that children who grow up in Catholic homes would regularly receive the grace of the sacrament. The Eucharist is said to be the “Source and Summit” of our Christian faith. The Eucharist is what sustains our church. Without Mass attendance by the church community parish life atrophies.

Unfortunately, First Communion is becoming more and more the end of a child’s religious education for many. How sad it is to think that a person’s formal education would end at seven years old in any subject, especially religion.

Formation in the Catholic faith continues throughout life. It is especially nourished by the events of the liturgical year, by regular reception of the sacraments and the parish community. This a way of experiencing the Lord’s love and it is a way of expressing our love.

We give thanks for the joy of this day. We pray that this happiness will be life-long for our children as they come to church weekly.


Fr. Mark

P.S. Thanks to all those who helped with spreading mulch around the property last Saturday. Fortunately, the task got done before the rains came. Thanks especially to Cliff Zerull who oversaw the project.


Homily Notes Third Sunday of Easter


Third Sunday of Easter